Granite Tors, Orroral Valley

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Granite Tors, Orroral Valley

Postby NathanaelB » Tue 27 Oct, 2015 8:49 pm

Lovely day for a walk on Sunday; I like to take my time and stop to look at things so it took me about 7 hours for the 9km return. Did my birding for the Blitz though I'm a novice and didn't get many species. I did hear a Lyrebird which was special, and saw two snakes - a large Brown and a very small White-lipped. Many skinks and lizards, especially around the Observatory at the top. One raptor, probably hunting the large Brown, but I never ID'd it. Looked similar to a Nankeen Kestrel, but bigger, some sort of hawk or eagle.


Photos: ... 015/10/25/
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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