Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

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Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby johnk1 » Thu 04 Aug, 2016 8:18 pm

Hi all,

I want to slowly start getting my 5yo son into bushwalking.

He loves camping and is always excited when I show him photos of walks that I have done.

Would the Coal Seam Cave be achievable as an overnight walk for such a young child?

I have been to the Kanangra Walls area many times but have never been to Coal Seam Cave. Is navigation to the cave straight forward and would it be safe enough to take my son to this area at such a young age?

Any opinions or advice will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby Hughmac » Thu 04 Aug, 2016 9:23 pm

I think it would be quite achievable if he's keen to do it. It's not far from Kanangra Walls to the cave, and a relatively straightforward track. The only issue I could see is finding the start of the track near the walls, which is unmarked and fairly overgrown.
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby ribuck » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 2:18 am

I think Coal Seam Cave would be a great first camping trip for a 5 year old. The track is accurately marked on Open Cycle Map, so if you are using an offline mapping app like Orux Maps you can't miss the turnoff.

The cave is obvious when you get there, and there's a second overhang just beyond it. Both have level floors. Water drips into an old barrel. Its good water, but I would probably boil it, just in case someone has been washing their hands or gear in the barrel. Firewood is plentiful.

There are two ways off the escarpment down to the level of the coal seam. The slightly longer route is easy walking. On the way back your 5yo might want to take the shortcut which goes up some rocks around a tree. See what you think of it when you get there.

After you have set up camp, if you have energy to spare, it's only a short way to Cottage Rock which has great views.

When my kids were 5 they would have taken 3 hours to get there at an unhurried pace, or maybe 4 hrs if they found lots of things to stop for along the way.

I was there in April this year, and the track was clear and in good condition.

Have a great trip!
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby jonnosan » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 6:52 am

Not to say Coal Seam Cave wouldn't be good as well , but have you considered Deep Pass (Newnes)? It is a an easier walk in (steep, but shorter) and I think has a few advantages i.e.
- running creeks
- big open grass areas for tents
- pit toilets
- big pagodas to climb over
- 'Split Rock' to explore
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby DaveNoble » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 11:41 am

The coal seam cave be a bit gloomy and cold in winter, and can be a draughty and dusty place.
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby johnk1 » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 7:06 pm

Thank you for the responses and suggestions guys. Much appreciated.


Is there another part of the Kanangra area that you would suggest?
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby ribuck » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 7:20 pm

Dave makes a good point about the cold. It is after all at a thousand metres above sea level. I'm OK in my winterweight sleeping bag, but your 5yo may not be.

The first overnighter that we took our children on was when they were 5 and 7. We went down Bob Turners Track to the Colo River, and slept on the beach. That's a straightforward walk, and the river is only about 50m above sea level.
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby johnk1 » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 8:53 pm

Thanks Ribuck,

The cold doesn't worry us too much, we live near Orange at just under 1000m and get snow quite often during winter with overnight temps well below zero.

My son is a very warm sleeper and we have camped in well below zero before without issue.

He uses my old winter bag and generally when I check on him through the night, he is sweating and quite hot.

He doesn't like getting out of the tent in the morning to go to the toilet in the cold but who does.
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby ribuck » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 10:10 pm

Your son is a lucky boy! When my children were young, they only had cheap lightweight bags.
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby DaveNoble » Fri 05 Aug, 2016 11:50 pm

johnk1 wrote:
Is there another part of the Kanangra area that you would suggest?

If you go a bit past the Coal Seam Cave - there is a saddle with a nice campsite in it - on the Gingra Track. I think it is the first saddle - the one before the turn off to Cottage Rock (if not, then it is the second one - the one between Cottage Rock and the Bullhead turnoff. Its a small level grassy area between trees.

Or, instead, you could walk on the other track from the Walls - towards Cloudmaker. Go of the end of the plateau, down the pass (you may have to help the 5 year old down) - then at the bottom of the cliffs - some nice caves to the left. Sunny in the morning. But these caves have aboriginal art, so I am not sure if camping in them is discouraged.

There are other campsites - e.g. one on the Gingra Track, on the Kanangra Plateau, about 15 minutes walk from the Cloudmaker turnoff. This is a grassy area in the heath - relatively sheltered by nearby heath.

And lots of campsites on the Boyd Plateau. Eg a bit out along the Rover Trail - just before the second creek crossing.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Is Coal Seam Cave okay for 5yo?

Postby johnk1 » Sat 06 Aug, 2016 6:58 pm

Thanks very much Dave.
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