by Xplora » Wed 03 May, 2017 6:32 am
I live in an area full of wild dogs and have never had a problem with them approaching. Heard a pack howling the other night a short distance from the house. Certainly a good tip not to leave food around but then possums are more of a problem with that. I have also had cause to take on a German Shepherd which was attacking me. This was not done without injury but at least I was only bitten once. As the dog came for me I grabbed it's bottom jaw and held tight. One tooth penetrate one finger before my grip was secure but I held the jaw tight and then twisted. A dog cannot bite when you hold the bottom jaw and you can inflict some serious pain or even break the jaw with a quick snap. I did not break its jaw but the pain I inflicted caused it to withdraw. Before you get to that stage, make yourself big, wave you arms, advance on the dog and make noise. Never turn your back or run (they are faster than you) unless you have water nearby that is deep enough to make them swim. There is a thread on this forum about wild dog encounters and one reported near where I live but few adults have actually been attacked. Dogs mostly hunt at night and a tent is more than enough protection. People are not on their shopping list.