Yesterday I decided to check out the new track down across Martin's Ck. I set out from the Wattle Ridge CP and walked along the W11E. Found the turn off easy enough even though there is no markers. After a while the track narrows to a rough footpad which I follow down to the "creek". I use that term advisedly because there is no water or even a creek bed just a bit of dry swampy ground. Then up the other side to the Long Nose Rd and out. But the thing is I didn't notice any side tracks? I didn't notice the track down to the waterfall, though I doubt I missed anything there? Nor did I notice either of the tracks on the right leading back up to the car park? Are they still there or is my eye sight failing?
Oh by the way quite a nice walk. Spoilt only by the flat tyre that awaited me when I got back to the car.
Also the Wattle Ridge property is on the market at the moment.