Going up the chains at Folly Point in Budawangs???

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Going up the chains at Folly Point in Budawangs???

Postby melinda » Mon 29 Jan, 2018 3:08 pm

I've been down the chains at Folly Point ... but never up them. Has anyone done this???
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Re: Going up the chains at Folly Point in Budawangs???

Postby melinda » Mon 29 Jan, 2018 4:01 pm

'Life is either a daring adventure or nothing'
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Re: Going up the chains at Folly Point in Budawangs???

Postby Grabeach » Mon 29 Jan, 2018 5:13 pm

Back in the '80s, I can't recall seeing any chains, nor remember anywhere they would be needed. Anyone know when they were installed?
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Re: Going up the chains at Folly Point in Budawangs???

Postby melinda » Mon 29 Jan, 2018 10:07 pm

Grabeach, I'll let you know what I find as I research this more.
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Re: Going up the chains at Folly Point in Budawangs???

Postby Chev » Tue 30 Jan, 2018 10:50 am

It's just a short section - a length of chain and a couple of spikes - in a steep crack coming down the first tier of cliffs from Folly Point. Nothing particularly tricky from memory, but I've only been through that way a couple of time and neither of those recently.

The chain was definitely there last time (c2004). Can't remember the first time clearly (c1991) but I think it was there then too.
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