I took a run up the mountains this morning and decided on a visit to this the western terminus of Lieutenant William Dawes 1789 journey to Mt Hay. They proceeded on a bearing by line of sight which meant they went against the grain of the country with much up and down in and out of creeks. The small party was out for 5 days in reaching Mt Twiss where they turned around, well short of their goal.
For me it was a far easier proposition. I parked at the entrance to Linden Observatory and jogged out along the good road to the pumping station. From there I followed the fire road to a point where the main ridge swings right and Dawes Ridge continues north. From here on it is now only a foot track though when I last came through, many years ago now, it was a fire road. It is marked with a small post at the beginning that says "Low Impact" and has a picture of a pushbike on it. Though I reckon it would be a bit overgrown for pushbikes now. The track swings west around Mt Twiss before swinging back east to follow the ridge to the north. I clambered up for some great views to the north and west of Mts Hay, Tomah, and Bell. the valley of Woodford Ck was below. There was a small cairn at the lookout but I went a bit further to the top where there were another couple of small cairns. The prospect provided a remote feel even though very close to civilisation. It was just possible to make out a few houses on the main Blue Mts. ridge to the south.
Once home I got the maps out and noticed the possibility of linking a walk out along Dawes ridge with a walk back along Lawson ridge. To save walking along the highway I could cut down and across at Lake Woodford. The only tricky bit would be in and out of Woodford Ck to link up the end of Dawes Ridge with the end of Lawson Riddge? I think I will give this a try on Sat. 9th June.