NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Wed 20 Mar, 2013 9:52 am
I wonder if this community can help me. I have to lead a Sydney based large group (up to 24 pax) of novices most never had camped in the bush before later in the year. Instead of relying on personal bushwalking experience I needed inspiration from you guys of suitable locations, after all there may be places I am not aware of. The criteria:
- for a weekend bushwalk, overnight the Sat
- must be <2hrs by public transport
- start of walk not far from public transport, i.e. train station
- the walk should be easy grade, bonus if scored great sceneries
- walk to campsite from start and to end no more than 12 km
- water source at campsite
Examples are that I led similar newbies group to Nth Era beach from Helensburgh ending up at Otford, and do the Perrys Lookdown to Blue Gum Forest to Govetts Leap walk at a slow pace. Any suggestion, all is welcome?
Wed 20 Mar, 2013 10:50 am
24 people who have never done it before and you have to keep an eye on? Sections of the great north walk from Berowra station north.
Thu 21 Mar, 2013 9:30 am
What Rob said. Check out Wildwalks here
http://www.wildwalks.com/bushwalking-an ... rnsby.html It may be better to do this walk in reverse, start from Hornsby, overnight at crosslands, giving an inexperienced group a shorter day to finish.
Sat 23 Mar, 2013 10:11 am
Aye, very good suggestions. Been to many sections of the GNW and yep Crosslands was a favourite Cub Scout campsite in my younger days...
Fabulous, keep 'em coming, folks!
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 8:30 am
Is no one else of the opinion that a party of 24 people is grossly inconsiderate to other bushwalkers? There is nothing worse than having an entire campsite or hut taken over by one large, unwieldy group. Not to mention their collective impact occurring all at once. Parks typically recommend a group size no larger than 8, though leaning more towards 4-6.
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 10:20 am
Hehe have fun. 24 people sounds like herding cats to me
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 11:07 am
Your going to need your own holiday after herding 24 newbies.
Here in QLD, the parks service, in some of the more popular areas set aside a separate group camping area away from other campers, do they not do the same in NSW.
For me personally, if i was sharing a camp site with such group, i would not mind, so long there not a rowdy group and drink.
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 4:23 pm
Is no one else of the opinion that a party of 24 people is grossly inconsiderate to other bushwalkers?
Between Berowra and Hawskesbury?
Youre a card, thats for sure
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 9:27 pm
This thread would be better in the NSW forum.
There really aren't that many places near Sydney where you can take 24 people and camp. Most campsites are simply not that large, and you need to take into consideration that there may already be people camped when you arrive. Most of the easy walks with large campsites have been listed already (Coast Track, Blue Gum Forest, Great North Walk).
Park limit in NSW is typically 20 (8 for wilderness areas), but for overnight walks, more than 8 is pretty unwieldy.
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 10:14 pm
For a large camping area maybe book ahead for Bonnie Doon at Bundeena. I'm sure you can organise some good day walks around the Royal National Park from there, and there are transport links, ferry etc.
Or Bendeela Recreation Area - great site on Tallowa Dam (kayaking etc) near Kangaroo Valley. It's Sydney Water Catchment Authority so facilities tend to be better than National Parks. We do walks around there. No transport link though sorry, and probably too far away for your purposes You only have to notify them if the group is larger than 50 people.
Last edited by
Onestepmore on Sun 24 Mar, 2013 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 10:22 pm
Euroka clearing would be able to handle 24 people, but yeah it's too many. This hike (although I would *not* recommend the last bit down the gully for n00bs) might give some ideas
http://www.wildwalks.com/bushwalking-an ... uroka.html
Sun 24 Mar, 2013 10:25 pm
Rob A wrote:Is no one else of the opinion that a party of 24 people is grossly inconsiderate to other bushwalkers?
Between Berowra and Hawskesbury?
Youre a card, thats for sure
The location appears yet to be decided - hence this thread asking for suggestions.
Mon 25 Mar, 2013 4:45 pm
We are looking at up to 24 pax, there are literally hundreds interested in experiencing an overnight bushwalk in our group. In previous camps, I made participants to share tents.
Now if we dropped the close to public transport criteria, opens up more possibilities, what would be you crowd's suggestions?
Mon 25 Mar, 2013 6:55 pm
Onestepmore wrote:For a large camping area maybe book ahead for Bonnie Doon at Bundeena.
Bonnie Doon? Isn't that the place from "The Castle"! Haha. Maybe you were thinking of Bonnie Vale?
Tue 26 Mar, 2013 10:17 pm
Oh lol yes.
Wed 27 Mar, 2013 7:19 am
How's the serenity...
Love that movie
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 9:53 am
What about the Euroka Circuit, also starting at Glenbrook Station. Is this an easy walk for beginners? Heard the Darug campsite is rather large with water.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 4:17 pm
A group of 24, can't you all chip in hire a mini bus and go somewhere that's an established site like the boyd river crossing or newnes campground and break into smaller groups to do seperate day walks. If I was plodding along and there was a group of 24 or even worse at where I planned to camp I would in no uncertain terms express my feelings on the matter. Apart from this being a socially obnoxious idea 24 in real bush is a great way to destroy a place.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 7:35 pm
davidf, aye we could car camp like at the Boyd River campground, but the idea is to overnight camp - walk some distance to a remote campsite. As to the number, there may be UP TO 24 pax is no different to a troop of Boy Scouts bushwalking in the Budawangs which I have come across. You may say either it is socially obnoxious or environmentally degrading (destroy a place sic), my agenda is to convert these novice city slickers into aficionados of the bush and learn bush sense/crafts. You may criticise the up to 24 person bit, but that is not the focus of this posting - if you missed the point: anybody know of suitable easy weekend overnight bushwalk for novices? There are a couple of good suggestions which we are researching. If anyone cannot stay true to the subject matter, please refrain from being a critic, we heard you loud and clear.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 8:06 pm
Hi Khouw,
Kedumba area would soak up 25 without any trouble. I have always been amazed at its size and google just confirmed that the camping area is about the size of 4 football fields! It also has lush grass, a river, a toilet and nice views (
http://adventuresandtinkerings.blogspot ... -hike.html). The walk is pretty steep and is all fire trail, however this can be good for a huge group as they can spread out a bit and chat to different people. You would however probably required a couple of cars to shuffle the peeps from the station down Wentworth falls rd.
Have fun!
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 9:16 pm
You can actually walk from Wentworth Falls Rd - nicest way would be via Darwins Walk to Rocket Point, then follow the track up along the cliff to Horden Road, then about 6KM of mostly dirt road till you get to the locked gate (aka the Bonanza Gate) on Kedumba Valley Road. I reckon starting at the station vs the locked gate would add about 2 hrs each way.
Wed 05 Feb, 2014 10:24 pm
khouw wrote:davidf, aye we could car camp like at the Boyd River campground, but the idea is to overnight camp - walk some distance to a remote campsite. As to the number, there may be UP TO 24 pax is no different to a troop of Boy Scouts bushwalking in the Budawangs which I have come across. You may say either it is socially obnoxious or environmentally degrading (destroy a place sic), my agenda is to convert these novice city slickers into aficionados of the bush and learn bush sense/crafts. You may criticise the up to 24 person bit, but that is not the focus of this posting - if you missed the point: anybody know of suitable easy weekend overnight bushwalk for novices? There are a couple of good suggestions which we are researching. If anyone cannot stay true to the subject matter, please refrain from being a critic, we heard you loud and clear.
Sorry for sounding over negative but I do believe 24 people on a real walk can cause problems. I tried to offer a few positive suggestions, firstly with a group that size a rental vehicle can be financially viable. Big groups with only a small number of knowledgable persons is hard to manage. Shallow if not at all burried poo, and litter is bound to happen dispite best intentions. Land litter is bound to happen dispite best intentions. Large groups do not walk softly.
Re scouts and school groups of similar size I have the same opinions. I have been involved in such things and seen the damage done
I applaude you for wanting to give friends the bush, it makes people better and can give fantastic and life changing experiences to people and get them hooked, great.
Some above suggestions are very good. Have you contacted any clubs for suggestions for appropriate places to go?I just wanted to point out where these things can be bad imho.
Good luck with your venture. I sincerely was not being offensive but offering a considered opinion.
Thu 06 Feb, 2014 10:46 am
Jeremy & Jonnosan, thank you for the Kedumba idea, we'll check it out. Yes the Darwin walk is people friendly. Don't you think that fire trail is perhaps too steep for novices on the return leg back to Wentworth Falls Stn?
Thu 06 Feb, 2014 6:26 pm
I would say the road bash out from Kedumba is a similar vertical distance, but on a much easier surface, than any of the exits from Blue Gum. I mean easier technically, (no scrambles, dodgy steps or uneven foot pads) not necessarily easier on your joints. BTW take your water from Waterfall Creek not from Kedumba River. Also on the way back out, the Cleary Memorial makes a great place to stop for tea (it marks the end of the really steep section).
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