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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.

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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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2-Day Hike + Easy Canyon

Wed 07 Aug, 2013 12:52 pm

Hello again everybody!

Was hoping to get some suggestions for a bush walk. Myself and a few mates have a weekend pencilled in October to do an 1-2 night hike and I wanted to include a canyoning part with it too. Although we have some good bushwalking experience, none of us are abseilers so it can't be a technical canyon. However we are all fit, travel light and up for an adventure!

So is there anywhere within a few hours of Sydney that can combine the two? Decent walk with a (wet or dry) canyon experience that doesn't need ropes?

Thanks very much in advance



Re: 2-Day Hike + Easy Canyon

Wed 07 Aug, 2013 1:25 pm

Not really a "hike" but you could just spend 2 days up around
Newnes plateau and do side trip visits to "Deep Pass Canyon", "River Caves Canyon", "Wolgan View / Dry Canyon / Noble's Canyon" which are all enjoyable 1/2 day or less trips involving canyons. Some might involve getting your shins wet but definitely no ropes. These are good introductory canyons. There's also "Bell's Grotto" but all I remember from that was the awful stench.

A weekend down at Bungonia incorporating the walk through the main canyon would be good fun.

There's also another non-technical trip suitable for mid-winter canyoning but maybe some people would consider it too sensitive an area to disclose... :|

Re: 2-Day Hike + Easy Canyon

Wed 07 Aug, 2013 2:18 pm

Thanks Ferozious,

I'll check those ones out (fancy PM'ing the sensitive one now that you've teased me with its existence?!).

I guess because we can take our time, I was ideally hoping for an easy canyon that was some distance away - relatively hard to access and therefore uncrowded and remote.

Thanks again


Re: 2-Day Hike + Easy Canyon

Wed 07 Aug, 2013 2:24 pm

Maybe this?

I can't actually speak to the 'canyon' section of this, but I can say that cambage spire is very steep!
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