NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Thu 03 Oct, 2013 10:19 pm
19 days to do 306km. Two years to plan? Glad they aren't walking all of the Bibbulmun (1000km) or the Appalachian (3500km)
http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-new ... 2ut3x.htmlFWIW, a recent thread about other walks around the ACT;
Fri 04 Oct, 2013 7:49 am
Yes they must be really dawdling. Much of the eastern border is quite boring and large distances could be covered each day if they were moving.
Fri 04 Oct, 2013 7:54 am
kanangra wrote:Much of the eastern border is quite boring and large distances could be covered each day if they were moving.
Especially if they followed the Monaro Highway.
Sat 05 Oct, 2013 10:12 am
The walkers followed The Moat Line, The Sheaffe Line and The Johnson Line ... this route is hardly walking on groomed tracks or extended walking along the Monaro Highway. There is about 12 kilometres of the Monaro Highway that forms the border, from Cunningham Hill to just South of Enchanted Hill.
Apart from the long periods of bush bashing they would have had to have done, finding water would have been their biggest issue. With two years in the planning, I'm presuming there were water drops, otherwise they would have had to descend to find water, many times. It has been somewhat dry up top.
If you feel like doing this walk ... here are the guide books.
http://www.actpla.act.gov.au/__data/*&%$#! ... /A1008.pdfhttp://www.actpla.act.gov.au/__data/*&%$#! ... /A0069.pdf http://www.actpla.act.gov.au/__data/*&%$#! ... /A1087.pdf ... and the survey markers courtesy of Mr John Evans ...
http://www.johnevans.id.au/Pages/Border ... 0Line.html Better still post your shots of the route if you've got any?
PS, A more spectacular option to the Monaro Highway section, would have been to go over Rose Hill and Mount Rob Roy. The views from Mount Rob Roy are amazing.
Sat 05 Oct, 2013 12:19 pm
Those old notebooks from the original border survey are very interesting.
Sat 05 Oct, 2013 7:40 pm
... so who has some shots of the route? To show that is only a lame, dawdler's route?
Sat 05 Oct, 2013 8:35 pm
WarrenH wrote:... so who has some shots of the route? To show that is only a lame, dawdler's route?
It was funny the first time. Not so much the second time.
Sat 05 Oct, 2013 9:27 pm
I am not dissing their efforts... just 'the two-years to plan' statement disappoints. Makes multi-day bushwalking sound harder than it should and can be to the uninitiated.
FWIW, I have walked off-track in Namadgi (Gudgenby - Licking Hole Creek area). So many fantastic views... and hard, awkward banksia scrub between fun granite slabs and tors.
PS; It was walks like this that prompted me to develop the front yard and nature strip into a native garden. Pruning and/or admiring 4 very different banksias today - two (1m + 2m tall) B. spinulosa var collina + B. robur (1.5m) came up themselves after tossing some found rachis ('cones') onto the mulch some time back.
Sun 06 Oct, 2013 2:36 pm
Strider wrote:It was funny the first time. Not so much the second time.
I wasn't being funny Sport. The posters who were deriding the efforts of the people who had done this amazing walk ... commanded little to no respect for their posts.
Having done a walk or maybe even two in the Territory, does not make one qualified to belittle others who have done something special (even on here). Their flaky posts above, have belittled all those who have spent much time exploring this region.
I do not value the posters' lack of respect. You might, but I don't!
If they were genuine, the posters above, would post their shots! To show that they know what this Border walk actually entails.
PS, maybe I should post some shots ... but I'm prepared to wait for the interstate experts, including yourself Sportsman, to post, firstly.
Mon 07 Oct, 2013 11:51 am
There appears to be a report on your post Warren. Yours seem like mostly fair comments, perhaps out of frustration, here they could be taken as 'spoiling for a fight'.
Maybe I missed a mention here on the site, I was thinking this route has been done/documented before??
Iv'e bashed my way to (only) a few ACT peaks through a few ACT gullies and can imagine the scrub if they get into the worst of it but not familiar with much of the route. Nineteen days does
seem generous, given that they have re-supplies/support, fire trails should be easy going.. but then the scrub? could well skew their averages. If someone does have some photo's they might put things into perspective? They aren't exactly glossy guidebooks..
Anyhow (reading the CT article) it could also just as easily be seen as refreshing such a realistic timeframe at least it's not 24hrs walking backwards (
) Maybe they'll finish sooner.. I don't see any boasts anywhere in the article.. besides, there aren't enough boasts about taking a
long time...
I can ask that you guys play friendly and polite here. Report Closed.
Tue 08 Oct, 2013 6:52 pm
Sorry Warren, I forgot you are the only person on this forum that may have actually walked in some of the more dense area's of the ACT.
I don't agree with the comment's first made in this thread, although you talk about 'lack of respect' yet you assume all the posters that first commented, to have maybe walked once or twice in the ACT, that is disrespectful in itself.
Good to see you had a go at Strider and not the actual people you had a problem with. Keep your shots to yourself, you sir have a bad attitude & you are two clicks away from being put onto my (and probably plenty of other peoples) "Foe" list.
It's good to see some people actually giving themselves a good length of time to do a walk, they may even have a day or two to relax on there trip.
I wish them luck.
P.s They haven't finished the walk yet.
Tue 08 Oct, 2013 8:04 pm
WarrenH wrote:I wasn't being funny Sport.
No worries, Sport.
Wed 09 Oct, 2013 8:38 am
Damn, was to be a quick browse, I did have to go and read the recent comments
Do we start editing, warn,
ignore in the hope that it will get better or lost?? Simply locking it would be easy but not really fair or constructive. Oh, I'm torn!!
It was some time ago, without a map I recall walking the Bridabella fire trail on top of the range out past a 'ski lodge' (in a loop back down to Corin Dam)?)) this is nice country. This is the western border? I'll try to post a map.. perhaps..
Wed 09 Oct, 2013 5:48 pm
Nuts, I vote you leave the thread alone. It will sort itself out.
Regarding the two year planning thing - I can think of a couple of reasons why it could have taken so long. Maybe some of the route takes them through restricted land that requires special permission to gain access. And maybe that's how long it took before their annual leave dates could align. Also, the article was short on detail, but I got the impression this might be some sort of fundraising thing? In which case, organising all the ancillary stuff would take a fair chunk of time.
Wed 09 Oct, 2013 6:21 pm
Ha, yes.. the mystery deepens!! tbh I only took an interest on behalf of another member.. thanks for the reprieve.
Thu 10 Oct, 2013 3:38 pm
Has everyone calmed down now?
If they're really sticking to the border, that means following the watershed. (No, I haven't read the article yet) Having done a bit of this (Aggie to Gingera to Ginini to Murray, the Kelly ridge, Clear), I rather envy them - and wonder if I could do it all in the same time frame. Some of that country is a bit awkward and, as I found out recently, often has more horizontal timber than vertical which makes for very slow going. Not to mention the rocks.
Sat 12 Oct, 2013 6:56 pm
Supertramp wrote:Sorry Warren, I forgot you are the only person on this forum that may have actually walked in some of the more dense area's of the ACT.
Am I, really? Now, does that make me famous or infamous or are you wrong? ... and there is no need to apologise to me, ever. Unless of course you are apologising on behalf of Environment ACT who you claim to work for, for your Department's lack of historical knowledge and respect of why the Traditional Bimberi Wilderness, is not what you want to hear that it encompasses.
Nuts, under the Forum's rules ... I'm not allowed to comment here about any report that may be warranted or unwarranted about any of my posts, or issues, after having been reported. I'm used to having the riot act read to me, Sir. I like to play by the rules nowadays. My lips are now sealed ... sadly.
So no body wants to see my shots then, of the humongously rough ACT Border? ... but if you're bored ...
http://s225.photobucket.com/user/WildWa ... t=3&page=1 Warren.
PS, I've not been here over the last week ... because I'm been feverishly finishing some paintings for exhibition, of certain (now after being placed on report) unmentionable border areas. Good evening.
Sat 12 Oct, 2013 7:39 pm
Couldn't you have just posted the images at the start?
Which ones are the ones of the border?
Incredible shots though. I like them.
Last edited by
icefest on Sat 12 Oct, 2013 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sat 12 Oct, 2013 8:05 pm
Interesting photos there Warren. What's the story with that extra tarp over your tent? For your bike on a wet day?
Sun 13 Oct, 2013 12:07 pm
'Sir'... now that's more like it
I mention reports as i'm happy (as much as possible) for the crap to remain on the site..so to speak. So too are old reports available to all moderators to read, though I didn't get far though them other than to get a general picture. I have a vague recollection of some history between members contributing here (in this topic). I can say that quite often reports are made by those not even involved in the discussion, so jumping to conclusions is always clumsy.
They obviously aren't all on the border but I do really like your photography Warren.
Post following this removed, please read forum rules before contributing.
Thu 17 Oct, 2013 8:24 pm
Can you both bicker via PM instead? All these personal attacks are making my head ache.
How does the horizontal scrub compare to that in tassie, NNW?
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