NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Fri 01 Aug, 2014 1:52 pm
Hi all!
First actual 'bushwalking' post now!
I was wondering if anyone's ever done a walk on/around Hellcat Throne, possibly even follow the gully down to Jenolan River and/or the ford on Moorara Boss? Has anyone ever gone off Black Range to Hellcat Throne, or possibly off Mt Warlock down Diable Creek gully? I know the usual route is down the Biddy's Crk. ridgeline track but I'm keen to stick my beak at Hellcat Throne. While the weather is good this next week I was thinking of going for a look with a mate [both of us experienced bushwalkers and abseilers with own gear, EPIRB, GPS, etc.]. I don't mind if I've got some abseils/canyoning to do, that's not an issue.
Having a look at Hellcat ridge on maps and satellite, it looks mean going so if we can't get down the ridge we might canyon down the gully. Any info would be much appreciated!
Cheers and happy tramping!
Fri 01 Aug, 2014 5:11 pm
It is on my must-do list, if just for the great name! My mate saw no value of the 100 points in the 1994(!) 6hr Paddy Pallin rogaine. It would have been reached from the Black Range by some.
Fri 01 Aug, 2014 11:42 pm
Hi TeaBird, and welcome to the forum!
I've walked up Jenolan to the ford of Moorara Boss fire trail, which we followed north up to Black Range, but that was much easier that what you are planning to attempt. The only information that I could find on the area is this walk listed to run in 1964 show below.
Travelling end of Hellcat Throne Mountain could be possible, though it looks a little cliffy in spots and I'd prefer going up it rather than down. The creek that wraps around the back of the Mtn could be goer, but it looks like you've got a bit of scrub to get through between leaving the firetrail and starting the descent. Maybe a trip straight down Diable Creek could be the best way to go?
All the best with the trip if you decide to head out, and be sure to let us know how it goes!
Sat 02 Aug, 2014 9:45 pm
That's part of the reason we're keen to sticky-beak- something with a name like 'Hellcat Throne' sitting above two waterfalls on a creek named for French devils is sure to be interesting.
Thanks, that's actually a good bit of info! it sounds like the route may have gone up the lower section of Diable then cut NW onto Warlock FT. Two waterfalls are hardly a 'scramble'!
Thanks for the replies. I'll be sure to post our trip findings when we get back. It's going to be a bit of an exploration but, if all goes well, it might just become a favorite. At the very least rambling about the bush wi'll be a good way to keep warm these next few days!
Sat 02 Aug, 2014 11:04 pm
TeaBird wrote:it sounds like the route may have gone up the lower section of Diable then cut NW onto Warlock FT.
I think you're right in that they didn't go all the way up Diable Creek. This map from 1962 (the "Blue Mountains and Burragorang Tourist." mentioned as a reference map - first edition 1932) shows routes up the ridges either side of Diable Creek.
Wed 17 Sep, 2014 2:14 pm
Hum ... You know, I would not place TOO much credence on some of those dotted lines. They look good - on a TOURIST map. Ah well.
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