I was asked recently about this walk and I added to my earlier comments as copied below.
In all I've been on five multiday walks in that area. Two were in the
Cobberas/ Pilot area. And the others were Tin Mine Huts area.
Without going into details about the surprising number of overdue
bushwalkers in my parties and the extremely difficult scrub in various
places I would suggest the following route for pleasure.
Day 1. Leave Dead Horse Gap car park early afternoon and walk up
Cascade Fire Trail for about 5 km and just before you reach the Bobs
Ridge saddle turn east and ascend Cascade Ridge. Proceed easily along
the ridge for about 2 km along horse tracks exploring rock shelters
and enjoying the snow grass plains. Gathering water from numerous
small tarns (puddles) look for a camp (maybe a bit short of 1817) with
a fine view of The Chimneys across the Jacobs River. These campsites
are exposed.
Day 2. The summit of Jerusalem Hill and the descent of Purgatory Hill
are rough and I expect that Paradise Hill is similar. So I would
suggest walking down to Cascade Creek from near 1817 and following
the creek to Cascade Hut for lunch. Afterwards walk down Cascade Fire
Trail to Tin Mine Huts where there is good camping. Strong walkers
could visit Tin Mine Falls on this day. (best viewed from the south or
the bottom and not the top)
Day 3. The Pilot summit day or a rest day. Ascend and return from The
Pilot. Strong walkers could visit Tin Mine Falls on this day also.
Day 4 . Proceed south east down the Ingeegoodbee River. If there has
been recent rain you will be forced to follow the Ingeegoodbee Track
after a few km. If not wet you will enter a gorge area with rapids
which is a bit scrubby not really pleasant. However beyond the gorge
it is possible to alternately follow the track or the river. About
five km before the Pinch Pass Track (various names) it is recommended
that you to follow the river and perhaps find indications of early
cattlemen activity while viewing the beautiful Ingeegoodbee. Find a
pleasant campsite at the last crossing of the Ingeegoodbee.
Day 5. A half km beyond the last crossing turn down the Pinch Pass
Track to the Pinch River campsite. (near the Snowy River). About four
km down the Track you can enter the the gully to the east and find a
cattleman's dam. And beyond, after one km, a nice dry waterfall. From
here sidle westish and find the road to the Pinch River. A car shuffle
can be completed on this day.
- Attachments
- The Volleys are in the pack.