Here are a few pics of recent trip from Jones Creek/Ettrema Creek.
The floods came through with such intensity it is hard to comprehend.
A few photos attached, I will post more. Most from junction of Ettrema/Jones.
We used ropes to measure cross section of highest flood level (using debris on banks and scour), and worked out creek was 40m across and 4m deep at height of flood (about 100m downstream of Jones/Ettrema junction).
We also measured the "base flow" which was 1.7m across and 0.7 deep at the same point. The means a cross section size in the order of 100 times "base flow" (with no allowance for different velocities).
The last photo shows a rock up in a tree trunk. Obviously this was carried up here in the water column, and just happened to stay there afterwards. This would indicate a velocity far in excess of the regular flow.
In many places there were fresh chips/fragments taken out of the basement rocks in the stream bed.
Incredible walk too BTW.
- Attachments
- sand deposit on junction Jones/Ettrema
- casuarina uprooted from rock Jones creek, root pattern is negative of rock profile- tree had been (was still??) alive, at least 400mm diameter (trunk is on left hand side of photo, on ground)
- pointing to highest level of damage to bark on casaurinas below Jones Creek junction, Ettrema Ck is about 15m away on right of photo
- rock on tree about 1.5m above water level (we didn't put it there)- note height of damage to bark on trunks