Fri 05 Aug, 2016 10:07 pm
Once entered, Nibelung Pass provides about half a kilometre of tightly twisting track until the cliff lines on both sides converge, leaving only two choices to enter the Monolith Valley proper. One is a scramble up a short rocky section, modified only by muddy handholds and a chain, beside the northern side (right hand) of the track. The second is more civilized (i.e. easier) and consists of a series of ledges leading to the top of the southern...
Sun 07 Aug, 2016 11:04 am
Everyone who has walked from Castle Saddle to Monolith Valley will have encountered the chain at the head of Nibelung Pass.
Sun 07 Aug, 2016 1:28 pm
the second is less used and consists of a series of ledges leading to the top of the southern converging cliff line in the pass. The beginning of this exit nay be found a few metres opposite the first mentioned exit, but care must be taken to move to the left-hand side of the pass canyon
Sun 07 Aug, 2016 4:09 pm
Mon 08 Aug, 2016 12:41 am
Grabeach wrote:Didn't see any chain when through there in the mid 80s ... I assume we took the alternative route.
jackhinde wrote:Currently impassable due to dense vegetation. Like most of the Budawangs, a few fires are needed.
Wed 24 Aug, 2016 6:57 am
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