NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Mon 30 Jan, 2017 10:16 am
Hi all, was hoping to do the Heathcote to Waterfall 2day hike. Does anyone know if the Kingfisher Pool campground has suitable trees for a hammock tent?
Mon 30 Jan, 2017 12:17 pm
The "camping" area adjacent to the toilet/picnic table at Kingfisher Pool is mostly thick scrub. Virtually no trees that I can remember. Further north along the track (near the Kingfisher Creek crossing) is a clearing that has a number of trees (from memory). You should be able to find a couple of good trees to hang from.
P.S. The toilet is in a very poor state. If your reason for camping in that area is because it has a toilet don't bother.
P.P.S. Plenty of nice quiet spots up the side creeks along the Bullawaring track.
Tue 31 Jan, 2017 1:14 pm
Thanks Michael.
Im not sure about the rules of the park. Can you see set up camp outside of a designated camping area?
Tue 31 Jan, 2017 3:44 pm
The Plan of Management (POM) for this park states that bush camping is permitted but NPWS don't publicise this. They prefer that you pay to camp at spots that have poor or no facilities instead. See the policies section at the bottom of page 57 here:
http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/resou ... thcote.pdfNPWS are working on a new POM so this may change in the future but right now as far as I can see the existing POM applies.
If you have concerns about bush camping then stick with using the "official" camping areas.
Tue 31 Jan, 2017 4:17 pm
Michael, I don't know how you came to the conclusion that bush camping was generally allowed in RNP.
Pages 53 and 54 of the document you link to states:
"It is proposed to progressively restrict bush camping to North Era and Uloola Falls in Royal National Park and to Heathcote National Park. Camping will not be permitted
outside designated camping areas. Bush camping will be prohibited elsewhere in Royal National Park. Bush camping will continue to be permitted subject to conditions in Heathcote National Park. No camping is permitted in Garawarra State Recreation Area.
* Car based camping facilities will continue to be provided at Bonnie Vale.
* Bush camping will be permitted at North Era and Uloola in Royal National Park.
* Bush camping will be permitted in Heathcote National Park.
* The Service will promote the code of minimal impact bush camping.
* No camping will be permitted in Garawarra State Recreation Area.
* A bush camping fee will be introduced, along with conditions concerning responsible bush camping within Royal and Heathcote National Parks.
* A limited number of sites will be developed in Royal National Park for bush camping at:
- North Era; and
- Uloola Falls.
... "
From my reading bush camping is basically forbidden with RNP with only the two allocated sites able to be used.
Tue 31 Jan, 2017 4:30 pm
Hi Mark,
You are correct but we are talking about Kingfisher Pool which is in Heathcote NP not RNP.
Tue 31 Jan, 2017 5:59 pm
Sorry - I just assumed it was on the east of the railway. I did a Heathcote to Waterfall walk in RNP in the late 1960's. I had forgotten that it was also possible on the western side via Heathcote NP. I also used to walk along the coast using a nice rock overhang at Curracurrang/Curracurrong (can't remember which) that had nice ocean views. Last time I went there in the late 60's archaeologists had dug trenches in it rendering it unusable.
Thu 02 Feb, 2017 2:38 pm
Thanks so much for your help/advice.
Happy walking!
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