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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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NSW State Government decides not to extend National Parks

Mon 15 Oct, 2018 3:56 pm

This happened in 2016, kowtowing to implied National Party requests not to do so - yet the land is not suitable for Forestry. Good on current state Attorney-General, Mark Speakman for attempting to expand National Parks when the Environment was his portfolio. ... 509qz.html

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Tue 16 Oct, 2018 7:58 am

Bring on the March State Election.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Tue 16 Oct, 2018 8:25 am

DavidB wrote:Bring on the March State Election.

+1. The unrelenting environmental vandalism makes me both angry and want to cry at the lack of protection, and potential destruction. Not that NP protection guarantees anything, e.g. the prospective raising of Warragamba Dam among many other issues, but it's the best we've got.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Tue 16 Oct, 2018 11:25 am

Without global climate action out of Canberra, all will be wasteland in due course... Hopelessly selfish and shortsighted electorate.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Tue 16 Oct, 2018 4:28 pm

GPSGuided wrote:Without global climate action out of Canberra, all will be wasteland in due course... Hopelessly selfish and shortsighted electorate.

Yes but I think the media and politicians are mostly to blame for this. They are constantly distracting voters with scare campaigns and petty political fighting that the issues that matter get minimal coverage.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Thu 18 Oct, 2018 7:56 am

... media and politicians are mostly to blame ...

Cut to the chase. Murdoch. Nasty old American guy who only cares about his own wealth and power, and, with his SKy and 2GB media cronies 'own' the current Lib governments.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Thu 18 Oct, 2018 1:12 pm

wildwanderer wrote:Yes but I think the media and politicians are mostly to blame for this. They are constantly distracting voters with scare campaigns and petty political fighting that the issues that matter get minimal coverage.

Gutless to shift the blame when we are the ones holding the voting paper. Further, in millenniums past, it’s the people who rose up in revolts and revolutions. If people are stupid enough to being blindly led by the politicians and media spins, then take the responsibility.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Thu 18 Oct, 2018 5:37 pm

... when we are the ones holding the voting paper ...

Trouble is we only get to vote every three years, can only vote on what policies are put up and, while of us some have detailed knowledge on a limited number of subjects, for the most part we rely on expert research and opinion via the media.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Thu 18 Oct, 2018 6:53 pm

Grabeach wrote:Trouble is we only get to vote every three years, can only vote on what policies are put up and, while of us some have detailed knowledge on a limited number of subjects, for the most part we rely on expert research and opinion via the media.

Can’t have it both ways. If the ‘stupid’ can’t properly apply their vote paper every 3 years, what rationale is there to shorten that? Look at Brexit, blindly following some slogans and not thinking things through, now a large portion of the electorate are having regrets.

As for the issue of knowledge and experts, that raises question on the political system we have and some of the assumptions of the system. Our democracy assumes the voters are able to judge issues, just as for the jury system, but are some matters just to complex for most? Can the electorate be expected to decide on every issue? Or are some issues better decided by experts (eg. Global warming)? Unfortunately again, the electorate is blasé and can’t get together and make the necessary changes to better optimise the system.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Fri 19 Oct, 2018 8:06 am

Never suggested that we should shorten a government’s term. Only reckoned that it is unfair to blame the voter when they have limited opportunity to effect change.

Your example of the jury actually demonstrates my other point. The jury is assisted by a judge and the legal teams who ensure all evidence is not only presented, but is also relevant and tested for fact. Studies indicate that juries invariably get the verdict correct. If the legal trial system was run like our current political system (bribes, threats, ignorant officials etc) then it would be a disaster, but hardly the fault of the jurors.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Fri 19 Oct, 2018 11:02 am

Grabeach wrote:Studies indicate that juries invariably get the verdict correct.

That explains all those people subsequently exonerated . . .

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Sat 20 Oct, 2018 2:56 pm

Quality over quantity. NSW has enough National Parks and some are not looked after properly anyway. Instead of just grabbing land because it's available, target and purchase land that adds value to the park system and make sure we have the resources to maintain/regenerate/improve them. Rather we pay good dollars for land of environmental value than grab some old farming, mined forested land because the State Forests don't want it any more.

Also just on the Gardens of Stone NP. I thought it was a NP already and contains the best examples of that landscape. On top of that, there are very few areas within 3 hours drive from Sydney for other recreational users like 4WD, trail-biking, hunting etc. If you remove all these recreational areas and lock them away from these people, they'll put pressure on Governments to allow them into the parks.

Re: NSW State Government decides not to extend National Park

Sun 21 Oct, 2018 4:23 pm

And things just keep getting better and better: :roll: ... 50aw5.html

Now not only is the NSW Government refusing to extend National Parks, there's a strong possibility they'll actually start de-gazetting them! :x
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