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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Thu 01 Aug, 2019 9:17 am

Could someone tell me if its possible to leave the car at the gate where Kennedys road and Lone pine trail meet? Do I need to obtain any permission from the landowners? lastly, is the road 2wd accessible?

Thanks in advance!
lone pine.PNG
lone pine.PNG (304.32 KiB) Viewed 17377 times

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Thu 01 Aug, 2019 9:45 am

Look like there is clear access from Kennedys Rd but I can't give you a definitive answer. I am pretty sure this guy did a bike tour through there some years back, he may be able to help: He has a contact email on his YouTube channel.


EDIT: John Evans report from some years back: ... _04_07.htm

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Thu 01 Aug, 2019 10:42 am

Sure is no worries at all. Left mine there many a time. Right near the creek.

Great walk up by the way. Steep at first.


Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Thu 01 Aug, 2019 11:22 am

Thanks for the reply guys. I didn't think it would be an issue. I am always looking for new ways to access that part of the park in winter and it seemed like a good way in.


Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Thu 01 Aug, 2019 11:45 am

It is always useful to contact the land owner. I did a trip from that area many many years ago leaving the vehicles near Yaouk - Half Moon Peak, Morgan, Murray, Bimberi, down across the Cotter then up Kelly, Scabby and back down to Yaouk. Fantastic granite slabs to walk down as you come off Scabby to the west.

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Thu 01 Aug, 2019 12:33 pm

Thanks Mark. While I agree with you about contacting landowners, it is sometimes easier said then done. Often they are in a paddock or don’t have a phone number to dial.

Yes, it is one of my favourite areas in the alps. Scabby Range in particular. I was supposed to head up there last weekend but snow and ice slowed my advance down Mt Namadgi to Rotten swamp and I had to sleep on top of Mt Namadgi, which was lovely.

I normally access this area from the ACT side or in summer from Pockets Saddle road.

I’ll try and obtain some phone numbers now.

Mt Kelly from Mt Namadgi last weekend.

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Mon 12 Jul, 2021 3:14 pm

How'd you go with access to that carpark Zapruda?

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Mon 12 Jul, 2021 5:15 pm

I have permission from the owners of Rowleys hut to park on their land now but I mostly park at Yaouk Gap or the gate at the top of Lone Pine FT

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Sat 11 Dec, 2021 8:59 am

I am keen to access this area the forum has been discussing for two trips - firstly to walk up Mt Bimberi/Murray as a daytrip, and secondly to do a 2 or 3 day trip through Mt Scabby/Kelly/Namadgi/Burbidge. I assumed car access stopped at the Snowgums retreat area but was hoping I could drive to Yaouk gap for the Bimberi walk. Can someone please confirm I should be able to reach Yaouk Gap and park? When I read Zapruda stating they can get to the gate of the top of LP trail, exactly how far up can you drive please? ie, how many kilometers from Snowgums retreat please? Do I need to contact any land owners for any of this access? I hoped I had found the phone number for the land with Rowleys Hut on it but it just rings out and I have emailed Snowgums but no reply. Thanks for your help

Re: Lone Pine trail parking - Yaouk

Mon 13 Dec, 2021 7:33 am

Yes, you can drive up to Yaouk Gap and park there at the locked gate opposite Noonameena hut. I suggest a vehicle that has reasonable clearance and 4wd, especially after this rain. You don’t need landowners permission but as a courtesy please leave a visible not on your cars dashboard stating your intentions.

You can also drive up to the locked gate on Lone Pine FT. It is very steep and parking can be a bit awkward. Once again, no permission necessary.

I have the number for the owners of Rowleys hut. They are kind people but getting older. Feel free to msg me and I’ll pass it on.

There are a few gates along Kennedy’s road. Please leave them how you found them once driven through.

If you are based in Canberra I suggest that you do your second trip starting from Gudgenby Valley ( Yankee Hat Carpark) and heading up Middle creek and finishing down Sams Creek and over Gudgenby Saddle.
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