NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
Wed 02 Jun, 2021 11:42 am
Hi all,
Any suggestions for a week long walk in NSW?
I have walked the Mittagong to Katoomba walk and looking for something mid winter. We have also walked the green gully track and not really keen on the great North walk.
Also wondering if anyone has linked the six foot track with the Kanangra to Katoomba walk? I realise there would be a bit of a road bash.
Wed 02 Jun, 2021 8:39 pm
Off or on track??
The Three Peaks loop from Katommba with a detour out to the Kowmung would be good.
Lots of options in Shoalhaven, Ettrema, Budawangs too.
Thu 03 Jun, 2021 8:14 am
Thanks Clarence. I did wonder about the three peaks. Might be good at my preferred snails pace. Everything I find online about it is about doing it as fast as possible, not my bag at all.
Thu 03 Jun, 2021 11:28 am
Depends on transport availability. As Clarence says there's a lot you could do in Morton NP - Yalwal to Tallong springs to mind but that's a pretty lengthy car shuffle. Could also do a full circuit of the Buds, eg. linking Hollands Gorge with the tops over Mt Tarn etc - heaps of variations/options, but (also as Clarence says) depends on your appetite for off-track.
Regarding the question about linking the 6FT with K2K.... no need for a road bash if you jettison the leg of the 6FT between Jenolan Caves and the junction of Black Range track with Moorara Boss fire trail, and instead turn down the MB trail and link with the fire trails between Kanangra and Moorara ridge, across Thurat/Whalania heights etc. There is a brilliant campsite on the banks of Jenolan/Harrys river where the Moorara Boss trail fords it (I got snowed on there once
). Can make it a circuit ex-Katoomba then, or alternatively ex-Kanangra if you either find a way to link the Megalong Valley with Konangaroo (eg. down the Cox or using Blue Dog to Mobbs then down Yellow Dog... plenty of variations), or just use Katoomba as a half-way pit stop and go via Narrow Neck and Nellies Glen. Another option is to avoid the 6FT altogether and make a circuit with the K2K using the Krungle Bungles or Jenolan River. I've done some but not all of these routes so others might have more/better advice.
Can't comment of 3 peaks but it's on my list as a slow walk as well
Thu 03 Jun, 2021 11:44 am
Prob should also mention that fire regrowth, weeds and treefall are currently an issue in many of these areas.
Thu 03 Jun, 2021 2:55 pm
Three Peaks is a great 3-4 day walk to take it all in- no need for speed if it isn't your thing
Lots of side trip options - Krungle Bungles (as WFBW suggests), Mumbedah Creek, Crandon Falls, Kanangra Creek, Lower Kowmung, starting along SFT then down Coxs River to Scrubbers Hump- and it is a great week of adventure.
Lots of good suggestions by WFBW, I've done a few of those.
Sun 06 Jun, 2021 9:49 am
Can be a bit cool on the Three Peaks in winter time.
Sun 06 Jun, 2021 3:14 pm
rcaffin wrote:Can be a bit cool on the Three Peaks in winter time.
Especially later this week!
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Tue 08 Jun, 2021 7:03 am
I think we're going to spend a week in the Budawangs. Just got back from a three day trip there and there's lots to do. It was pretty cold but beautiful. I haven't been there for a long time and I'd forgotten how pretty it is.
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