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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Sun 06 Nov, 2011 9:00 pm

Does anyone know how to get into Claustral and Thunder Canyons now that the original entry route is blocked by a private property owner?

Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Mon 07 Nov, 2011 8:13 am

Try here Vern : ... ustral.htm

Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Mon 07 Nov, 2011 5:25 pm

The problem of access to Claustral Canyon (and from Thunder, Claustral and Ranon Canyons) has proved quite difficult. A landholder has built a house on one of the key access blocks on Tomah South and no longer permits access. I understand he is not willing to negotiate with NPWS. The other landholders of Mt Tomah are worried about people using other access routes from the mountain - as this could case parking problems etc. It is possible to walk around the blocks - avoiding private land - but the routes are steep, scrubby and damp.

The route from Mt Bell marked on Tom's map (see link above) looks like possibly the best long term solution. But it is only a route at present - not a marked track. Also - I understand the RTA are against the building of a parking area off the Bell Rd near Mt Bell.


Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Thu 10 Nov, 2011 11:58 am

Thanks for least it'll ensure no big groups of people going through I guess.
Ps. Love the drawn map of Thunder on your page Dave. Still in the old school measurement of 1 mile.

Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Thu 10 Nov, 2011 2:58 pm

The new starting point does have the added advantage that a car shuffle is no longer required for Ranon. I reckon it will be another season before a sufficient track forms to allow less experienced parties to walk in without much navigation. Also, even if you know the route, the extra distance probably adds an hour or so to the average trip, which may rule slower groups out altogether.

Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Mon 12 Mar, 2012 10:46 pm

A few cars can be squeezed through the break in the guard-rail on the north side of Bells Line-of- Road, opposite the head of Dismal Dingle. Scramble down into Dismal Dingle (steep but do-able) from the south-east side of the road and follow the very pleasant creek walk down. Return the same way. This route was told to me by Joe Dunn (Joe's Canyon). I've also used a different route, largely avoiding the private properties on Charley's road but have been told there could be problems in future using this old fire trail.

Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Tue 19 Mar, 2013 8:35 pm

Recently did Claustral and your map Tom is spot on. Thanks for the online resource. I had done Claustral on the old track and having that knowledge helped as well. There seems to be a track forming that is not too hard to follow. Still an awesome canyon! Some photos on my flickr page linked below if you're interested.

Re: Access to Claustral / Thunder canyons

Wed 20 Mar, 2013 9:12 am

Yep, the new route is coming along nicely. In fact, not only have NPWS now given it the tick, but RMS have ticked off on the parking area on Bells Line (about 300m west of Mt Bell). This means commercial groups will likely be back there which will make the track even more distinct.
While the new route adds about 45 minutes to an hour to a trip through Claustral, it is actually not much different to the old way, so has been embraced by most canyoners. Interestingly, it now allows you to do Ranon Canyon via Mistake Ravine without a car shuffle, so makes that trip shorter, and also makes Ranon Brook Canyon an easier proposition. Overall I think this is the best outcome canyons could have asked for. The only issue will be monitoring a couple areas on the new entry / exit track for erosion.
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