Advice is sought about routes in the Jagungal-Main Range area.
I have been steeply tangled in Jagungal scrub and do not wish to repeat the experience. There is a ridge from the east summit of Jagungal 257987, about 2020 metre, south and east into the headwaters of the Geehi River, finishing at the river junction 265962 at 1800 metre. Is this route clear of scrub?
The intention is to go from Gungartan to Granite Peaks. I recall some scrubby boulders on the Gungartan side, and have no recollection at all about the Dicky Cooper Bogong side. Like Jagungal, it is hoped to avoid scrub. Is this route clear of scrub?
At the first saddle south of Rawson Pass, 137633, the main track and Dead Horse Gap route split. The intention is to follow the high ground to South Rams Head, then south east to Dead Horse Gap. It is understood that there is a track from South Rams Head. Is this so?