Best Overnight Walk Near Sydney? (preferably involving a Mt)

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Best Overnight Walk Near Sydney? (preferably involving a Mt)

Postby User54321 » Sat 31 Mar, 2012 9:16 am

I have a spare 24-36 hrs in Sydney over Easter. I'm a former Taswegian and I love my mountain walking.

What are the good overnight walks within an hour or two drive of Sydney? (Please afford a walk an extra enjoyment point for every summit visited :) ).
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Re: Best Overnight Walk Near Sydney? (preferably involving a

Postby johnw » Sat 31 Mar, 2012 3:02 pm

User54321 wrote:I have a spare 24-36 hrs in Sydney over Easter. I'm a former Taswegian and I love my mountain walking.

What are the good overnight walks within an hour or two drive of Sydney? (Please afford a walk an extra enjoyment point for every summit visited :) ).

For that period of time it's hard to recommend something with multiple summits. Blue Mountains is probably the most logical choice given your criteria. Unlike most Tassie peaks we frequently have to start high then descend, then climb, and repeat that sequence on the way back. One suggestion is Mt Solitary in the Blueys. You would have time do a traverse of the Jamison Valley camping on Solitary but need transport at each end. Otherwise park at the Golden Stairs via Katoomba, descend to the Federal Pass and go up Solitary via the Korowal Knife Edge (ridge). You can do the side trip to the Ruined Castle on the way, which could be considered a minor summit I guess. Usual camp site on Solitary is Chinamans Gully/Cave with good lookouts nearby and possible creek water (haven't been up there since last May, but it has been wet recently). You can walk across the top of the mountain if you have time. There are a number of informal lookout points along the way finishing at "The Col" on the eastern side which then drops down very steeply to the Kedumba River. Return the same way unless doing the full Jamison traverse (which I found easier going in the opposite direction).

Not that I have much experience in the area, but probably the better peakbagging style mountain walks are in the Kanangra area and beyond. But this is now getting a lot further from Sydney, maybe 2 1/2 hours or more each way. A little closer is the adjoining Wild Dog Mountains via Blackheath/Megalong Valley. I've done a couple of nice overnighters there. Suggestion is Dunphy Camping area/track head > Carlon Creek > Blackhorse Ridge > Overnight camp at Mobbs Swamp > Next day climb Mt Dingo and visit Splendour Rock > Return via Medlow Gap. You could also climb Mt Mouin on the way out for a second summit. This walk is a bit more remote than Mt Solitary.

Close to Sydney you have the ever popular overnight Coast Track walk in Royal NP (can also be done in a day) but no peaks as such unfortunately.

Also try the search function on Here are a number of overnight possibilities within 100km of Central Sydney- 2 Day Walks
John W

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Re: Best Overnight Walk Near Sydney? (preferably involving a

Postby Lindsay » Sun 01 Apr, 2012 6:31 pm

johnw wrote:
User54321 wrote: Usual camp site on Solitary is Chinamans Gully/Cave with good lookouts nearby and possible creek water (haven't been up there since last May, but it has been wet recently).

There was water in Chinamans Gully and Singajingawell creek a couple of weeks ago. The Kedumba River was flowing deep and fast.
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