by chriskoz » Sun 23 Jun, 2013 12:19 am
Webguy, your data about this walk is inacurate. Specifically, you list the highest elevation as 808m. This maybe just a typo, because Sublime Pt Lookout elevation is 880m on the topo map, confirmed by my altimeter when I walked it up today. The lowest point (crossing with Lindeman Pass) you listed as 676m is right. So, the total elevation difference in Copeland Pass proper is about 200m (not 130m as you claim).
Regarding my experience on it, it was nice crisp winter day. I climbed the whole ridge from Kedumba Road in the valley floor (accessed from Leura Cascades) leaving the road at ~390m saddle. Nice, well defined, open ridge at this point. I encountered the first little cliff (mentioned by dnoble above - thanks David!) at ~460m. One or two exposed moves (no fixed line) scaled it. Above 500m up to Lindeman's, the ridge is less pronounced but still faily easy going: no bush-bahsing and straightforward navigation. No Leeches on Lindeman's: winter is the time to go to avoid them! Copeland Pass proper: nice piece, technically and esthetically similar to Castle ascent in Budawangs if you know what I mean. But obviously, much worse experience at the summit, cars and noisy sunday tourists:( I think that all of the fixed lines, except the one on the most exposed place (along the rotting tree root), are unnecessary. I did not bother touching them, as I would not do so even in wet weather. There is no exposure nor difficulty justifying them. But I guess they've been installed because the area receives lot of traffic from the walkers of different abilities, and I guess climbers with heavy packs want to descend routinely & quickly without fuss.
Regardeless, there is still scope for a good full day outing by experienced walker like me, if you extend this pass and include the bottom of the valley. Combinations with Lindeman and/or Roberts passes are also attractive but I have done the latters as separate outing because Sublime Point does not really fit well with them.