Hello! ...and travel to Kiandra Information.

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Hello! ...and travel to Kiandra Information.

Postby Kurisu » Mon 02 Dec, 2013 8:59 pm

Hi all,

Very new member - Kurisu (a.k.a. Chris). Keen but infrequent hiker these days however a mate and I are doing Kiandra to Kosi next week (starting Thursday if all goes to plan).

I did the same walk 16 or 17 years ago, can't remember which, back then we used the Adaminaby Bus Service to get from Cooma to Kiandra. Good bloke, but he was ancient then, so I doubt he's still around. Google tells me there might be a few options in the area, but I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations - both for where to leave the car, and for the last hop to Kiandra - is hitchhiking feasible? Drove that bit of road before Christmas last year, and there were a few cars on it, but I don't hitchhike much, so not sure if it would be a good idea.

I see a few others are heading that way in teh next few weeks, it'd be great to bump into some folks out there.

Cheers, and thanks for your time,

Chris from Brisbane.
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Hello! ...and travel to Kiandra Information.

Postby davidmorr » Sun 08 Dec, 2013 9:07 pm

When I did that walk, I based myself in Jindabyne. Jindabyne taxis took us to Kiandra and were to pick us up from Thredbo. He is a walker so knows where people want togo.

One thing to consider is that the weather can change for the worse with little notice. Twice on that walk I had to pull out due to bad weather, ending up at Guthega once and Charlotte Pass the second time. Being based at Jindabyne, it was easy to get back to the car and spend the remaining days doing something interesting. If your car is at Cooma, not so easy.
This post is copyright by davidmorr. Permission to reproduce elsewhere may be granted on application. Please PM me for details.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Hello! ...and travel to Kiandra Information.

Postby Kurisu » Mon 09 Dec, 2013 8:24 am

Thanks for the reply and the information David.

I'm familiar with the area and prepared for all weather. We're both experienced hikers and have spent enough time in the area to know how quickly it can change - as the photos on Dead Horse Gap posted on Friday show!

Are you willing to share (roughly) how much the taxt cost? I'm also now thinking of starting from Jindabyne, making my way to the Lake Eucumbene Dam wall and walking in along Happy Jack's Trail (aiming for Mackay's Hut). I will miss the easy start from Kiandra and the goldfields, but the drive would be a lot less time consuming. Has anyone ever done this?


Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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Re: Hello! ...and travel to Kiandra Information.

Postby davidmorr » Mon 09 Dec, 2013 10:22 am

Hi Chris

It was many years ago when I did it and there were five of us so we had a minibus. I think it was about $140 to Kiandra from memory, but with inflation....

Ring and ask for a quote: 02 64572444

He will also mind your car under cover.


This post is copyright by davidmorr. Permission to reproduce elsewhere may be granted on application. Please PM me for details.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Hello! ...and travel to Kiandra Information.

Postby Kurisu » Mon 09 Dec, 2013 12:44 pm

Thanks again. Just called and booked. Kiandra was a bit too much for the two of us, so we are going to go in from Eucumbene Dam wall on Happy Jack's Trail. It's great not having to pay for park entry fees for the car, and to have the secure parking in Jindy.

Thanks David and also thanks (in advance) to Jeff from Snowy Mountains Taxis!

Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
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