Went back on Sunday, followed the track and marking tape down into the small valley and came out into the most stunning bushland area, some of the most massive gum trees I have seen, grasses and ferns on the quite flat valley floor, hundreds of so straight gum trees and no sounds of suburbia, just bush sounds and bird song. Some of these giant gums would need 6-8 people to span around their base!
There was no track once I had descended to the valley floor so I just wandered around admiring the trees and how beautiful and peaceful it was here. All of this was just 15-20 minutes from where I parked the car.
I noticed a creek to the east so went for a look, was flowing and had plenty of life in it. Was heading north into another part of this small valley and noticed what looked like a track on the other side of the creek, so crossed and sure enough a feint track headed east, I followed that out of the valley to a very well defined walking track that came out to a fenceline and keep out signs.
These are on Facebook so I hope you can still see them...

If you cannot see them, let me know and I will put them somewhere else and re-link them.