Hi to all the canyoning guru's here, did Kanangra Main Canyon the other day and once again found myself scrambling madly up some made up exit route nearish to Murdering Gully and it got me wondering if there was a better desription for the exit?
I did the same scramble last time I did Kalang Falls Canyon. I noticed there was a piece of red striped tape at the intersections of the creeks just above the large rock platform...not sure if this was supposed to be an indicator to a track or not. The guide says to go a further 50m down from here though.
Saying all that I've done it twice now so it is doeable but it's not the best end to a great set of canyons. Also looking at doing Danae Brook soon. Is there any track up from there or is the scramble similar to that of Kalang and Kanangra?