Uloola Falls campground to Audley (Royal NP)

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Uloola Falls campground to Audley (Royal NP)

Postby richard187 » Wed 28 May, 2014 11:18 am

Hi guys,
Have any of you done the section of walk between Uloola Falls campground and Audley? I have booked the campsite at Uloola Falls, and from what I've researched, the walk to Audley is about 5km; I believe, this is where the Visitor Centre is.

My plan is to park the car at the Visitor Centre and Audley and hike up to the Uloola Falls camground to set up camp - and just want to know if someone here has done this section, and can provide me with some tips.

A friend told me the best place to park my car would be at Heathcote Railway Station or one of the other neighbouring Railway stations, but it just seems more convenient to park at the Visitor Centre on Carrington Drive.

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Re: Uloola Falls campground to Audley (Royal NP)

Postby kjbeath » Wed 28 May, 2014 11:01 pm

Either should be fine. I think the walk from Heathcote to Uloola is more interesting, as it has Karloo Pool. You could consider Heathcote-Uloola-Audley-Engadine or reverse. http://www.wildwalks.com/bushwalking-an ... onal-park/ has descriptions.
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Re: Uloola Falls campground to Audley (Royal NP)

Postby puredingo » Wed 28 May, 2014 11:11 pm

Mate, train stations are usually a car thief's bread and butter, especially Heathcote which can be deserted for long periods of time.

I'd park my car over at the pub where there is always plenty of cars around and coppers perusing the place.

But yeah, the walk from Heathcote would be better. Karloo pool should still be fine for a dip if you're game...
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Re: Uloola Falls campground to Audley (Royal NP)

Postby clarence » Fri 30 May, 2014 12:15 am

Do you mean along the trail along Gurrumboola Ridge, or via Kangaroo Creek? The first is very easy- you'll be there in two hours or so. You can make it a loop and come back down via Kangaroo Creek (no track) and up over Robertons Knoll.

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Re: Uloola Falls campground to Audley (Royal NP)

Postby GPSGuided » Fri 30 May, 2014 12:20 am

Pretty straightforward to go from Audley to Uloola Falls. A small climb at the start and then minor undulations along the way. Coming down Sutherland station will work your quads and the same when going back up, but less distance. Nice either way.
Just move it!
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