by Allchin09 » Sun 27 Apr, 2014 9:27 pm
The track heading East isn't there on SIX Maps, and it isn't very visible in the aerial imagery. My guess it that is is no longer used and it's time to get a new map mate, the Port Hacking 3rd Ed. was released 13 years ago. The new Auto-Generated series used the same info as SIX Maps, so it won't have the track on it either.
I've visited Deer Pool many times, but I've always headed SE when heading to the coast. I don't think I've seen the track heading East, but I haven't looked for it either, so I can't comment much there.
"Discovering RNP on Foot" by Alan Fairley (2009) has the track marked, but I couldn't find it mentioned in track notes.
Another book of Alan's, "National Park Explorer: Around Sydney" (1989) has the track marked and also recommends using it as part of a loop walk. Apparently after crossing Marley Creek at Deer Pool, turn left and follow roughly parallel to the creek until you reach the sand dunes surrounding Marley Swamp. From here you can head left to Marley Beach, or right and follow the coast towards Little Marley to complete the loop.
"Bushwalks in the Sydney Region" Vol. 2, Ed. 4 by NPA, have a maps of the area and a track is shown to follow down Marley Creek from Deer Pool for about 700m where it comes to an end. This sketch map is dated 2004, and given that a map compiled by the same person in 1996 shows something similar to the Dept. Lands Topo, my guess is that the track you refer to has disappeared, or is hard to find.
I'm sure that someone on the forum has walked the track, and if you are really keen on finding more out about it, I'd suggest getting in contact with Alan Fairley.