I have been asked if I know anything about this. I do not, but wondered if any of you do?
Hi all
I receive all kinds of requests to identify ‘things’, both natural and manmade found by bushwalkers. I have been thrown one request that is particularly curious. It is also rather old. My attention has been drawn to a paragraph that appeared in the Newcastle Bushwalkers Magazine of May 1975. I am in contact with that club and they are chasing it up for me as far as they can. Regrettably the member who wrote the article and described the artefact is deceased. His name was Darby Munro.
The paragraph is with a group of other unrelated items titled ‘Odds and ends from the Capertee Valley’. The particular paragraph is subtitled’ Wooden things’ It says,
“ We came across a number of wooden gadgets which could not be identified. The thing consisted of about 6 or 8 notched palings on edge, held in position by dowels and spaced at about 14 inch centres by wooden blocks. There was a strong smell of tar. Does anyone know what they were for.”
The writer was still coming to grips with decimal measurements so some are given in each system. The palings are described as 10cm x 1cm on edge, notches 2cm wide and 1cm deep set at 10 cm intervals. The dowels are 1 inch in diameter.
Ideas/ thoughts running through my mind
1 It was racking built by NPWS to store drums of some kind
2 It was a rack for stretching animal skins such as rabbit or fox
3 There is no clue as to where in the Capertee Valley it was located . It could have related to the old Glen Davis Shale Oil refining works