Old Hut RNP?

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Old Hut RNP?

Postby kanangra » Wed 22 May, 2013 3:44 pm

This morning I was out in RNP before work and noticed some old hut ruins and wondered if anyone here knew the story? They were situated between Big and Little Marley. They were set back from the headland between the two beaches. They were at the northern end of the Little Marley FT. ( That FT forks and the southern arm intersects with the Coastal track south of Little Marley. The northern fork teminates in a foot track which leads to the Coast track between Little and Big Marley. I am referring to northern fork.)

The ruins consist of a stone chimney and concrete foundations. There is a lot of scattered glass and coloured tiles and crockery around. I would suspect it may have been from the '40's?

Anyone any ideas on this?


PS an awful lot of rubbish under the trees behind Little Marley. Very unsightly. :(
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Re: Old Hut RNP?

Postby johnw » Wed 22 May, 2013 4:19 pm

I think you are referring to this one K?


I posted this image in the Aussie photo guessing game. Another member suggested that they are the ruins of an old fishing hut. No idea about age but depression era to 1940s would seem likely based my limited knowledge of the history of other huts in the park. Someone else might have more detail. Yes, unfortunately the last time I was at Little Marley there was also a fair bit of rubbish around the old campsite behind it.
John W

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Re: Old Hut RNP?

Postby michael_p » Wed 22 May, 2013 4:51 pm

Watch out for Brown snakes around these ruins. Our group walked past the right hand side of that chimney. Between the third and fourth person a good sized Brownie slithered from the bush on the right across the front of the fireplace and off into the scrub. The fourth person was a little unnerved by the incident.

My understanding is that they are the remains of fishing huts.
One foot in front of the other.
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Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Old Hut RNP?

Postby puredingo » Wed 22 May, 2013 6:25 pm

My old man will know the ins and outs of this hut. I'll ask him when i speak to him next.
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Re: Old Hut RNP?

Postby kanangra » Wed 22 May, 2013 7:53 pm

Yes John that is it. I hadn't noticed it before but just happened to look back over my left shoulder today and caught a glimpse of it, I'll be interested to hear what Puredingo's Old Man has to say about it.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Old Hut RNP?

Postby juxtaposer » Thu 03 Jul, 2014 2:31 pm

re this: In 1973, when walking along the coast track, we met an old man with a one eyed-hound (not sure now it was the man or the dog had one eye) on their way to Marley. He (the man) said he hadn't been there in 50 years, and asked if we knew if a man named Baxter still lived there. He also said the Coote family (of Angus & Coote) had a lease there. There are other ruins at Marley a few hundred metres up the lagoon outflow channel, under the north side hill. There was also the old hostel at Little Marley, built about the 1940's, which NPWS knocked down about 1975.
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