Track suggestions?

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Track suggestions?

Postby DanielC » Fri 27 Jun, 2014 8:38 pm

Hey guys.

Me and a couple of friends (approximately five others) are wanting to escape into nature for a two night/three day bushwalking adventure during mid-July (14-16), however I cannot seem to find any good walks that match out criteria:
  • Ideally in the Blue Mountains National Park (although anywhere different is fine),
  • Camp fires are a must,
  • Must be within 3 hours of Sydney,
  • No car shuffle (so it has to be a circuit, or if there's public transport at both ends then that's fine).
The only websites I have found that provide a nice list of walks with track notes are: WildWalks, and Bushwalking NSW. WildWalks seems to list Mt Solitary and Kedumba Valley Circuit as the only three day circuit, but that may seem a little bit too difficult (I don't know their definition of "experienced walkers"), and Bushwalking NSW seems to only list multi-day walks that involve car shuffles (although some of their walks look really nice and scenic).

We are relatively fit 18-19 year old university students (at USyd + UNSW), and four of us have completed walks previously for a Silver Duke of Edinburgh award (although we had a pro bushwalking teacher come along with us):
  • A two day walk in the Royal National Park,
  • A three day walk somewhere around the Hawkesbury River (I think in the Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park),
  • A three day walk near the Corang River in (I think?) the Morton National Park.
So, if anybody knows of any good walks + has track notes, or of any other websites then please let me know. :)

Regards and thank you in advance :),
~ Dan.
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby jonnosan » Sat 28 Jun, 2014 5:37 pm

From the description you've given of your previous walks, and my own prior interactions with DoE participants, I reckon the Mt Solitary circuit would be a good choice.
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby DaveNoble » Sat 28 Jun, 2014 7:19 pm

The Mt Solitary loop is a very nice and scenic walk - and many people walk/run it in a day. But nice over 2 or 3 days to fully appreciate the scenery. It is fully on track with clear signs. But the tracks can be vague in places - so you do need to know how to use a map and compass or GPS

Other suggestions -

1 . Katoomba - Narrow Neck - Wild Dog Mts - Coxs River (various loops possible)
2. Six Foot Track - Katoomba to Jenolan Caves (you need to check transport options - you may be able to get there bus out to or back from the Caves)
or do a walk that links the Six Foot Track with the Wild Dog Mts - and Narrow Neck
3. Blue Gum Forest - a lop walk from Blackheath - various options available. Day 1 - walk down (e.g. Govetts Leap - Horseshoe Falls - Pulpit Rock - walk along road to Perrys Lookdown - Blue Gum Forest - Camp at Accacia Flat (Supposed to be fuel stove only - but a lot of people do seem to light fires there, and to be fair - you don't find out till you get to the campsite and when I looked online on the NPWS website - there was no information about it being fuel stove only), Day 2 - side trip up to Lockleys Pylon and back down (great views) and look at Blue Gum Forest, Day 3 - walk out via Grand Canyon or Govetts Leap
4. Kanangra Walls (probably just in the 3 hr from Sydney limit) - trip to the Kowmung River and back, tracks on many ridges. Lots of routes. Big climbs but great country.
5. Great North Walk - Thornleigh to Brooklyn
6. Royal National Park - Sutherland (or Loftus) - to Bundeena (Camping ground nearby) - then along coastal track to Otford.

The 2 books published by the National Parks Association are well worth acquiring - see ... ucts_id/69 for example.

And you may want to join the bushwalking/outdoor clubs at your universities. They can be a great sources of ideas for walks as well as a great place to meet other walkers.

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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby DanielC » Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:00 pm

jonnosan wrote:I reckon the Mt Solitary circuit would be a good choice.

Yeah, seems like it, but it seems rather short for three days (35km).

DaveNoble wrote:and many people walk/run it in a day.

:-/ So it's easy going and little to no challenge?

DaveNoble wrote:Other suggestions -

1 . Katoomba - Narrow Neck - Wild Dog Mts - Coxs River (various loops possible)
3. Blue Gum Forest - a lop walk from Blackheath - various options available. Day 1 - walk down (e.g. Govetts Leap - Horseshoe Falls - Pulpit Rock - walk along road to Perrys Lookdown - Blue Gum Forest - Camp at Accacia Flat (Supposed to be fuel stove only - but a lot of people do seem to light fires there, and to be fair - you don't find out till you get to the campsite and when I looked online on the NPWS website - there was no information about it being fuel stove only), Day 2 - side trip up to Lockleys Pylon and back down (great views) and look at Blue Gum Forest, Day 3 - walk out via Grand Canyon or Govetts Leap
4. Kanangra Walls (probably just in the 3 hr from Sydney limit) - trip to the Kowmung River and back, tracks on many ridges. Lots of routes. Big climbs but great country.

These seem nice. Do you have any track notes or any other information on these walks? :)

Thanks. :)
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby jonnosan » Sat 28 Jun, 2014 11:32 pm

DanielC wrote:
jonnosan wrote:I reckon the Mt Solitary circuit would be a good choice.

Yeah, seems like it, but it seems rather short for three days (35km).

If you start 'day 1' at wentworth falls station, you will have a solid first day to get to the campsite down at Kedumba Valley farm, and again a solid day on the 3rd day from top of Mt Solitary to Katoomba station. The middle day will not require a whole lot of walking but involves one very big climb (from the campsite down at creek level all they up to the top of Mt Solitary), then you can take your time exploring up on top, choosing where to camp, and admiring the amazing views.

DanielC wrote:
DaveNoble wrote:and many people walk/run it in a day.

:-/ So it's easy going and little to no challenge?

Hardly. They are doing it precisely because it is a challenge. Also, people on a day walk carry much less gear than those camping out.
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby DanielC » Sun 29 Jun, 2014 12:36 am

jonnosan wrote:If you start 'day 1' at wentworth falls station, you will have a solid first day to get to the campsite down at Kedumba Valley farm, and again a solid day on the 3rd day from top of Mt Solitary to Katoomba station. The middle day will not require a whole lot of walking but involves one very big climb (from the campsite down at creek level all they up to the top of Mt Solitary), then you can take your time exploring up on top, choosing where to camp, and admiring the amazing views.

That seems okay. Do you have any track notes/guides on getting from Wentworth Falls Station to the camp site Kedumba Valley Farm and from there to Mount Solitary? The only reference I have to go by at this point in time is currently OpenStreetMaps.

Also, question: I was reading through the WildWalks track notes, and in parts it states that water "is no longer reliable, you will need to carry in your own water." Does this mean that the water is off limits, even after treatment (heating) or puritabs? Because in other parts, it states that treatment of water is necessary, and it just has me confused.

Thanks. :)
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby jonnosan » Sun 29 Jun, 2014 7:31 am

DanielC wrote:
jonnosan wrote:If you start 'day 1' at wentworth falls station, you will have a solid first day to get to the campsite down at Kedumba Valley farm, and again a solid day on the 3rd day from top of Mt Solitary to Katoomba station. The middle day will not require a whole lot of walking but involves one very big climb (from the campsite down at creek level all they up to the top of Mt Solitary), then you can take your time exploring up on top, choosing where to camp, and admiring the amazing views.

That seems okay. Do you have any track notes/guides on getting from Wentworth Falls Station to the camp site Kedumba Valley Farm and from there to Mount Solitary? The only reference I have to go by at this point in time is currently OpenStreetMaps. ... falls.html describes the route, although in the opposite direction.

DanielC wrote:Also, question: I was reading through the WildWalks track notes, and in parts it states that water "is no longer reliable, you will need to carry in your own water." Does this mean that the water is off limits, even after treatment (heating) or puritabs? Because in other parts, it states that treatment of water is necessary, and it just has me confused.

Thanks. :)

There are some campsites on top of Mt Solitary nears creeks that used to always have water in them, now those creeks are often dry.
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby DanielC » Sun 29 Jun, 2014 4:10 pm

jonnosan wrote: ... falls.html describes the route, although in the opposite direction.

Nice, thank you! :) I'll keep this walk in mind if I cannot find any others.

DanielC wrote:There are some campsites on top of Mt Solitary nears creeks that used to always have water in them, now those creeks are often dry.

Ah, that's what it means. Thank you for clearing that up!

DaveNoble wrote:4. Kanangra Walls (probably just in the 3 hr from Sydney limit) - trip to the Kowmung River and back, tracks on many ridges. Lots of routes. Big climbs but great country.

I really like the idea of this walk because it's really far away and from your description seems nice. Does anybody have any track notes or anything on it?

Also, where can I go to purchase suitable maps for regions?

~ Dan.
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby perfectlydark » Sun 29 Jun, 2014 8:24 pm

Ifyour not very fit (like me) dont underestimate the mt solitary circuit. Its only 17 odd km to get to the kedumba river (where we camped) but the climb up and down solitary took it right outta me,more than usual. That said I am pretty unfit but just a warning I expected an easier walk on it based on hearing about runners too :)
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby Rob Gosford » Sun 29 Jun, 2014 9:13 pm

DaveNoble wrote:
Other suggestions -

5. Great North Walk - Thornleigh to Brooklyn


if the bridge over Calna Creek is still down, well "ya gonna need a bigga BOAT" :lol:


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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby tom_brennan » Sun 29 Jun, 2014 11:29 pm

I'd second Dave's suggestion about buying the "Bushwalks in the Sydney Region" books. They have a lot of walks in the Greater Blue Mountains, and are well worth having a copy of. The internet has a reasonable amount of information, but books are still good (and I write that as webmaster/editor of

Mt Solitary is a pretty good option, though the middle day could be quite short if you just go from Kedumba to the top of the mountain. But the first and third days can be fairly long to make up for it! Don't underestimate the hills. They will be bigger than the Royal, Ku-ring-gai Chase or the Corang River area.
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby GPSGuided » Mon 30 Jun, 2014 8:54 am

Rob Gosford wrote:if the bridge over Calna Creek is still down, well "ya gonna need a bigga BOAT".

I read in another thread that it is possible to cross at low tide and at a point a little upstream. Have yet to check it out.
Just move it!
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby tom_brennan » Mon 30 Jun, 2014 10:57 am

Also, you can buy maps at the LPI office at Hyde Park Barracks ... and_photos
Many of the maps you need can also be bought from outdoor stores.

If you want to view the maps online, you can use the SIX Viewer ( and switch the background layer to Topo Maps (current)
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby Rob Gosford » Mon 30 Jun, 2014 3:42 pm

GPSGuided wrote:I read in another thread that it is possible to cross at low tide and at a point a little upstream. Have yet to check it out.

hi GPS,
yes this is true.
haven't sussed it out to date tho.
night be worth a run down there to check it out.
check tides first tho.........


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Track suggestions?

Postby GPSGuided » Mon 30 Jun, 2014 5:17 pm

Yes, went down there during the summer and my SO bailed with the heat before we got to the crossing. So I'll put it on my to-do list for this school holiday too. Where's my tide app...

Add: The next time low tides coincides with mid morning will be at least a week or two away.
Just move it!
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby DanielC » Wed 02 Jul, 2014 4:45 pm

tom_brennan wrote:I'd second Dave's suggestion about buying the "Bushwalks in the Sydney Region" books. They have a lot of walks in the Greater Blue Mountains, and are well worth having a copy of. The internet has a reasonable amount of information, but books are still good (and I write that as webmaster/editor of

Thanks, I have borrowed this book from my University's library. :)

tom_brennan wrote:Mt Solitary is a pretty good option, though the middle day could be quite short if you just go from Kedumba to the top of the mountain. But the first and third days can be fairly long to make up for it! Don't underestimate the hills. They will be bigger than the Royal, Ku-ring-gai Chase or the Corang River area.

We have decided to do the Wentworth Falls Station to Scenic World walk. Thank you for the advice. :)

tom_brennan wrote:Also, you can buy maps at the LPI office at Hyde Park Barracks ... and_photos

Thanks. I'll head there in a couple of days or so to buy maps for Katoomba and the Jamison Valley.

Thank you all for your help. Hope it'll be a fun trip :D
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Re: Track suggestions?

Postby walk2wineries » Tue 08 Jul, 2014 12:28 am

If you ever feel like doing the six foot over 2 days, the nice people at the six-foot lodge can help with a Katoomba to Jenolan transfer!book
Otherwise - yes, lots of sections on the GNW with public transport each end; wildwalks has recently published a book with good suggestions for weekend (ie 2 day) walks
similarly the RNP has train or ferry access each end of the coastal walk and one can always add a side trip...
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