Mt Airly under threat

NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.

Mt Airly under threat

Postby DaveNoble » Tue 08 Jul, 2014 2:54 pm

Mt Airly and nearby Mt Genowlan in the Gardens of Stone are under threat from an extension of coal mining by Centennial Coal. Present coal mining in the area has not resulted in subsidence because an agreement where a lot of the coal was left under key features. It looks like the company now wishes to extract that coal.

For more information please go to the Colong Foundation's website -

Submissions close Wednesday 9th July. If you follow the link - it will give you a step by step submission guide.

Athrotaxis selaginoides
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Posts: 1032
Joined: Sun 03 Feb, 2008 3:56 pm

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