I was at the launch on Saturday of Bruce Cameron's new book on the Blue Labyrinth. It is "A History of the Blue Labyrinth, Blue Mountains National Park". It is the second edition, the first was published way back in 1992. Compared to the first edition, this one is quite different. It is much expanded. The first was 162 pages in A5 size, soft cover and black and white. The new edition is 352 pages, A4, hard cover and contains a lot of colour pictures - photographs and maps as well as a lot of historic black and white photographs. This is a major publication that will appeal to bushwalkers who walk in the Greater Blue Mountains.
Bruce Cameron knows the area well. He grew up in the Glenbrook area - one of the gateways to the Labyrinth, and has spent many years bushwalking and rock climbing there. His historic research has been quite breathtaking. He has unearthed many incredible old bushwalking photographs. If you want to know about early mining and grazing, plane crashes, serial killers, early bushwalkers and poets, historic caves, craters like St Helena and Tobys Glen, and the heart of the labyrinth - the wild Erskine Creek - then this book in the place to look.
I'm not sure yet if you can buy the book online, but I expect it to be available from Blue Mountains bookshops and Summit shops in Glenbrook and Katoomba. Cost is about $60 I think.