Located deep in the Wollemi Wilderness in the Wolgan Valley near Houstons Ck this is a natural feature that I had been wanting to visit since I first heard of its existence in the late 1970's. On a trip down the Wolgan and up the Capertee in the early 1980's I looked for it without success. Then to be honest it went out of my mind until a recent issue of the Bushwalker magazine reignited my interest. Anyway I managed to get in there yesterday. I will write up the trip in due course but for now a few pictures of the feature itself. I apologise for the poor quality. It was still very early when I reached it and it wasn't easy to hold the camera still perched on the side of a steep hill.
- The Totem Pole
It stands about 20 feet high and the cap stone must weigh about a tonne. How it doesn't collapse under its own weight I'll never know. Not seen anything like it before.
- A close up view of the capstone.
It seems to be made of mud and clay which has hardened with some smaller boulders adhering to it like pimples.
- Another view.
I started from the Glow worm Tunnel CP and camped on Annie Rowan Ck. I visited the feature early the next morning then returned to Annie Rowan Ck where I broke camp and then walked out to the car arriving just after 4:00. a great trip.
- A last look as I turned to go.