Warrumbungle cathedral and arch?

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Warrumbungle cathedral and arch?

Postby davidfisher71 » Sun 31 Aug, 2014 3:08 pm

I enjoyed a walk around the Grand High Tops circuit at Warrumbungle National Park yesterday, with a diversion to the "cathedral and arch" near Danu Gap.

I found what I assume was the cathedral OK (lots of upright rock formations), but couldn't locate the arch. Just curious about what I missed ... anyone have a description or photo?

General comments about the Grand High Tops walk: the eastern section is very well maintained (actually paved for some of it, which isn't my preference), but the western half is quite rough and rocky with quite a few weeds along Western Spirey Creek. Very beautiful area though, with lots of lovely views. The Breadknife was a highlight, though the southern path around it is currently closed (go along the Dagda Short Cut instead).
"Cathedral" rock formations at Warrumbungle NP
160.JPG (215.25 KiB) Viewed 4488 times
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Re: Warrumbungle cathedral and arch?

Postby Grabeach » Mon 01 Sep, 2014 8:39 am

I have a print of a photo I took of the arch in 1987. I've scanned it, but all attempts to get it here have failed. I'll try again tonight.
Edit: Still no success. I give up.

There are a couple of photos on the 'net (Google "Cathedral Arch Warrumbungles" images).
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Re: Warrumbungle cathedral and arch?

Postby melinda » Mon 01 Sep, 2014 10:24 pm

Heh davidfisher71,
I was camping at the Ogma Gap campsite on Sat afternoon.
I met a man who was coming back from The Cathedral.
He had a big camera, and said he had not been able to find the arch.
Was that you? :)
I went there on Sunday morning and saw the arch.
Thinking it would have been difficult to see in afternoon shadow.
I took this photo of it!
18. Cathedral Arch.JPG
Cathedral Arch
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Re: Warrumbungle cathedral and arch?

Postby Rob Gosford » Tue 02 Sep, 2014 3:50 pm

davidfisher71 wrote:I found what I assume was the cathedral OK (lots of upright rock formations), but couldn't locate the arch. Just curious about what I missed ... anyone have a description or photo?

hi David,
this is a photo of my hard copy photo, that i took in about 1990 on the way up to the Grand High Tops >>>>>> Cathedral Rock. Which on further investigation yesterday on Mr. Google, i got the impression that in relation to Cathedral rock, Cathedral arch is also used.

IMG_8072.JPG (45.75 KiB) Viewed 4340 times


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