Suggestions for trails in the Oxley wild rivers NP

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Suggestions for trails in the Oxley wild rivers NP

Postby waldeinsamkeit » Wed 12 Nov, 2014 3:30 pm

G'day Everyone,
I am new to this forum and was recommended to come here and ask my question.
I have 4 days to spare and want to do a walk in the Oxley wild rivers.
I am looking for some quiet trails, I personally hate walking on paved paths or 4wd trails and avoid huts. ( I walk to enjoy the green, the exercise and my Hammock)
I would be looking at something with good views, a few river crossings and most of all- solitude.
My level of fitness is what I would rate as good. ( I complete the mount solitary- kedumba circuit including ruined castle in less than 2 days)
Does anyone have any experience with some good trails up there? I was looking at completing a section of the NBT as there is bugger all information on other trails in the area.
Any info would be appreciated and PMs are ok if you dont want to talk public.
Thanks in advance.
Waldeinsamkeit : German for being along in the forest.
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Re: Suggestions for trails in the Oxley wild rivers NP

Postby MrFaulty » Fri 14 Nov, 2014 11:08 am

I walked the upper Forbes river some years back, it took about 4 or 5 days from memory and followed the river. it was hardcore but fun. unfortunately i have no co-ordinates etc.
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Re: Suggestions for trails in the Oxley wild rivers NP

Postby awildland » Mon 17 Nov, 2014 6:12 pm

Welcome to the forum waldein. There is a lot of off-track stuff in Oxley wild rivers national park. It's a big park with lots to offer. The Green Gully Track is an option. It's a hut to hut walk but costs money - see dept of enviro website. Also look at a campsite called Budds Mare outside Walcha. There are tracks down to the river or you can make up your own walk if you don't mind going off track or just walk upstream from Riverside to near Paradise Rocks (we did a story in wild mag a few years ago about an off- track walk we did there). Then there's all the gorges. Check out our blog page for more ideas if you like as we've done a few walks in Oxley wild rivers. We'll be offline for the next two weeks but feel free to pm us for more info.
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Re: Suggestions for trails in the Oxley wild rivers NP

Postby Don R » Tue 18 Nov, 2014 3:59 pm

If you are interested in some "hardcore" walking at Werrikimbe NP there are quite a few alternatives. I would recommend the walk from the Upper Forbes Falls to the lower Falls. Some caveats, the creek hopping is strenuous (depending on water level) there are a couple of long pools protected by gorges so you need to be a good scrambler or have everything water proof and don't mind a good swim. Enter via Gorge Creek, (involves some scrambling) proceed downstream and come back along the narrow and densely forested ridge next to the Middle Falls (otherwise future progress down the river is very very tricky). The route back takes some good navigation skills and there may still be remnants of an old forestry track in the area (I have not been there for years and at that time it was becoming overgrown). Do not assume that the ridge is easy, near the River it is very narrow and densely vegetated. Do not go to the ridge between the Forbes and Hastings Rivers, the ridge is rotten with scunge with no views. Please treat the area with the utmost respect, it is wild, and serious walking country. I would very strongly not recommend going there alone, too much risk of being injured / lost or otherwise getting into trouble. Campsites along the River south of Gorge Creek are very rare, although in good conditions you can camp at the Middle Falls. This is an area where it is very easy to under-estimate the time to get from point "A" to "B" so be conservative in your plans.
Don R
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