Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castle

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Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castle

Postby bushtucker » Wed 27 Apr, 2016 8:04 pm

Hi all,

Does anyone know if it's possible to go from Medlow Gap to the Ruined Castle in the Blue Mountains?

Would much appreciate any pointers.


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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby ribuck » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 7:53 am

I haven't done the part from Medlow Gap to Cedar Creek. The first part of that is on fire trail, then you would need to drop down to Cedar Creek.

Cedar Creek is easily navigable, and it's straightforward from Cedar Creek to Cedar Gap, although the lawyer vine is thick in places. I've heard people say that coming up at the minor saddle 300m south of Cedar Gap is a more open route. From Cedar Gap it's just up the track to Ruined Castle.

Of course the other way to do it is from Medlow Gap up Tarros Ladder and along the Narrowneck fire trail then down the Golden Stairs and along the Ruined Castle Walking Track :)

If you are competent at exposed scrambling you could ascend the scary pass at the south of Mt Solitary then do the long scratchy bash across Solitary before descending the usual knife-edge to Ruined Castle. [edit: deleted my erroneous suggestion about Castle Head]

Just be aware that the fire trail from Medlow Gap that crosses Cedar Creek passes through grand country. 44 Grand.
Last edited by ribuck on Thu 28 Apr, 2016 2:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby GPSGuided » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 8:41 am

Grand country?

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Just move it!
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby jonnosan » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 8:49 am

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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby jonnosan » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 8:54 am

ribuck wrote:If you are competent at exposed scrambling you could leave Narrowneck via Castle Head instead of Golden Stairs. Or you could ascend the scary pass at the south of Mt Solitary then do the long scratchy bash across Solitary before descending the usual knife-edge to Ruined Castle.

Can Castle head be done as a scramble? I was on an abseil trip there a few years ago, I seem to recall at least some 10m+ sheer cliff walls. although I guess we never bothered looking for alternate options

Or do you mean Cedar Head/Walls Pass?
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby Grabeach » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 9:10 am

I have done the title walk in reverse a long time ago. The route we did is probably as good as any. From Little Cedar Gap take the tower access road down to Cedarland Ridge Rd (CRR) and follow it to its most northern point. A side road leaves here heading NW, crosses the upper reaches of Geeraganggala Ck, turns SE then NE to end up on top of high cliffs above the Cedar Ck / Bunba Yaka Gully (BYG) junction. Anyone know the history of this road? It doesn’t service the power line. If it wasn’t so far from Katoomba one would think it a tourist road to a lookout. Leave the road at the high point about 400m back from the end, heading magnetic north to pick up a short spur heading down to BYG. This has some steep shaley bits so take care. Follow the gully 500m down to Cedar Ck. It’s then about 3.5km of reasonable going up to the exit spur for the Ruined Castle.

1. Don’t know whether that part of CRR enters the No Entry zone.
2. The side road is on the 2nd Ed. map, don’t know about the 3rd Ed. It’s still on SIX maps. It was in excellent condition on 13/12/87, but things change.
3. Starting at the Golden Stairs walking time was 9.6 hours hours (trip time 11.3 hours) at what could be described as a steady pace with day packs. I have a breakdown of times. There are other spurs from further along CRR down to Cedar Ck or CRR itself to Hayes Crossing, but these would definitely be No Entry.

ribuk, I don’t think it’s bushtucker’s intention to go back up onto Narrow Neck first. If it was, he would need to be a lot more than a “competent scrambler” to get down from Castle Head. As jonnosan said, it’s done as a couple of lengthy abseils, with Walls Pass is an alternative. Better to do this as a separate walk. Going via the Korrowall Buttress is probably a reasonable overnighter, or when I did it a 13 hour walking time (13.8 hour trip) day walk from the Golden Stairs.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 10:37 am

Hi Ribuck, Jonnosan and Grabeach,

Thanks so much for your responses.

I've found a great route that is definitely not very direct to Ruined Castle but I like it nonetheless. It is as follows:

Tarros Ladders -- Little Cedar Gap (option to go onto Meadlow Gap) -- Little Cedar Gap Trail -- W7 Cedarland Ridge Trail -- Mt Solitary Walking Track -- Kedumba River (optional turn off for water if needed) -- Up the backside of Mt Solitary (steep climb) -- Along Mt Solitary -- Chinamans Gully (good caves here) -- Korrowall Pass Track (down Mt Solitary) -- Ruined Castle Track -- Federal Pass Track -- Golden Stairs.

So, this is nearly a loop, requires 2 cars: one to be left at Golden Stairs and the other at Busherwalkers Hills or closer to Tarros Ladders.

Turns out to be about 30km and 2,000m of vertical ascent. Doable as a hard one-dayer or a nice overnighter.

Best regards,

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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby Grabeach » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 11:14 am

Requires 2 cars: one to be left at Golden Stairs and the other at Busherwalkers Hills or closer to Tarros Ladders.

While sort of admiring your preparedness to wander at length through the No Entry zone, I'd be amazed if the NPWS will give you a key to the Narrow Neck gate. It's been locked since before my time, maybe in the 1970s or even 60s (Dave N may know). I gather you're not that familiar with the Blue Mountains?
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 1:54 pm

Hi Grabeach,

Thanks - I'm not sure that I understand, I didn't realise that where we are planning to go is through a Restricted Zone? What kind of gate are we talking about? Is it fenced off or is it just a fire trail access?

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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 2:10 pm

Thanks Grabeach, I checked with NSW Wildlife and they said that area is fine for walking; i.e. it's not an exclusion zone. Just can't ride bicycles or drive cars in that area.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby ribuck » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 2:11 pm

jonnosan wrote:
ribuck wrote:If you are competent at exposed scrambling you could leave Narrowneck via Castle Head instead of Golden Stairs. Or you could ascend the scary pass at the south of Mt Solitary then do the long scratchy bash across Solitary before descending the usual knife-edge to Ruined Castle.

Can Castle head be done as a scramble? I was on an abseil trip there a few years ago, I seem to recall at least some 10m+ sheer cliff walls.

You're correct of course, jonnosan. I remembered about the chains and thought that was it. It's always abseiled.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby ribuck » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 2:32 pm

bushtucker wrote:Tarros Ladders -- Little Cedar Gap (option to go onto Meadlow Gap) -- Little Cedar Gap Trail -- W7 Cedarland Ridge Trail -- Mt Solitary Walking Track -- Kedumba River (optional turn off for water if needed) -- Up the backside of Mt Solitary (steep climb) -- Along Mt Solitary -- Chinamans Gully (good caves here) -- Korrowall Pass Track (down Mt Solitary) -- Ruined Castle Track -- Federal Pass Track -- Golden Stairs.

It's a great route indeed, and I've done most of it at times, just not all at once on the same trip. Just two points that others have also alluded to:

1. If you are taking the Cedarland Ridge Trail all the way down to where it crosses Cedar Creek (at Hayes Crossing) you are going inside the Warragamba Dam stored water exclusion zone. You can leave the Trail and bushbash around the exclusion zone, but I'd say that makes it too long to be done in one day.

2. You can't take a car much beyond the top of Golden Stairs. So you can't really use two cars, and may as well leave one car at the top of Golden Stairs then walk to Tarros Ladder to begin your walk. That probably also makes it too long to be done in one day except for serious tiger walkers.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby davidf » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:42 pm

My imaginary friend has been from the coxs to the road and a bit further. Not much fun. He had to do a dive as a service vehicle passed. The walls pass to ruined castle is a classic.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby Grabeach » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 4:53 pm

I agree with ribuck. My Special Areas Brochure shows parts of the Cedarland Ridge Rd within the No Entry for anybody zone. At one place it actually comes within one km of the stored water, I think the 'inner' exclusion zone is generally within 3 km. Wouldn't be the first time someone in the NPWS doesn't know their own (well I guess technically the Sydney Catchment Authority) policy. As an aside, the twice I, I mean someone I know, came across Water Board employees (once in a 4WD, the other time in a boat) they didn't seem too worried about us, I mean them, being in there for the day. I believe the newer Catchment Authority guys take a more serious view, though I expect to cop a five figure fine you'd have to be doing a lot more than just being there.

As ribuck says, you can't take a car past the Narrow Neck gate. Nor a 4WD, though I think a tank would make short work of it. Disclaimer: This is not a recommendation.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby ribuck » Thu 28 Apr, 2016 8:10 pm

Narrow Neck gate. It's been locked since before my time...

I can't remember exactly when the gate was put in, but you could still drive the whole way in the mid 70s. The road was graded for 2WD traffic. I remember taking a VW Beetle along it. By 1982 it was definitely closed though.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Fri 29 Apr, 2016 3:58 pm

Thanks all. Plan was to park one car at Golden Stairs (the finish) and one at Bushwalkers Hill and then do the route I suggested. Hopefully, we can just walk along those fire trails (i.e. Cedar Ridge) until we intersect with Mt Solitary Walking Track and up Scary Path (the backside of Mt Solitary).
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby tom_brennan » Fri 29 Apr, 2016 4:15 pm

If you look at mys's map (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/292 ... topo2.html) and switch on the LPITopoMap and No Entry layers, you can see that a large chunk of the route is in the Level 1 Restricted Zone (no entry even to walkers). So you'll probably be taking your chances with a fine.

And you can't park at Bushwalkers Hill - there's a locked gate back near the Golden Stairs - you can see it on the same map as above.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby GPSGuided » Fri 29 Apr, 2016 4:40 pm

tom_brennan wrote:If you look at mys's map (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/292 ... topo2.html)...

Cool! Can't help but to side track, how did you do that? :shock:
Just move it!
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby Grabeach » Fri 29 Apr, 2016 8:44 pm

Looks like my original suggestion is the way to go if you want to stay legal. According to Tom's map the side road is called Cedar Valley Trail.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Sun 01 May, 2016 8:42 am

Hi all,

Thank you for your assistance and recommendations on this potential trek. I was able to confirm that as stated in this forums the fire trails around Cedar Ridge are indeed in a Restricted Zone that exclude all public access and there are fines of up to $11,000 for entering that area.

So, we decided (and did on Saturday 30 April) the Mt Solitary Traverse in reverse, ie starting from Wentworth Falls as well as a 5km detour for some added exploration around Kedumba River that involved some bush-bashing. I figured that of the original proposed route, Mt Solitary was really the prize and best feature and didn't want to miss that or risk a fine or breach the no access rules.

Climbing up the backside of Mt Solitary was so hard!! And, it was so nice to sit on the Col where the Mt Solitary logbook is (which is never seen before). What a beautiful view.

Thanks all.

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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Sun 01 May, 2016 8:45 am

Tom, love your maps.
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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby jonnosan » Sun 01 May, 2016 5:34 pm

bushtucker that's a great route. I actually did a trip over Mt Solitary today. When I was at the logbook there was what looked like an abandoned backpack that had been opened up and some of the belongings had blown over the cliff. The backpack was pretty dank and mouldy, but there was a small red bag inside which I didn't open up but looked to be either a lunch container or maybe a first aid kit - it had the name 'Sarah Bruce' written on it.

Anyway most likely it was a sick or lazy camper who decided to stash their gear to lighten their load on the return trip, then someone else has found it and open it up and rifled through it. I just reported this all to the katoomba police station in case there is a missing person or whatever.

But I am curious to know if you saw this at the logbook yesterday?

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Re: Tarros Ladders to Little Cedar Gap and then Ruined Castl

Postby bushtucker » Sun 01 May, 2016 10:50 pm

Hi Jonno

Glad you enjoyed the bushwalk.

Yes, I saw the same backpack you describe at the Col on Mt Solitary just before the logbook.

When our crew arrived the bag was already open and a friend of mine peered in ever so carefully and then left it at that.

We spoke about it but thought that it was some emergency supplies that a very friendly bush walker had left in case one got stuck out here. In retrospect this sounds a bit silly but I think I have seen the same happen at the top of The Castle in the Budawangs where there is a tent kept up there.

Please let me know what happens. I feel like we should have considered it a bit more seriously as you did Jonno.

Best regards,

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