
NSW & ACT specific bushwalking discussion.
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Postby bernieq » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 11:20 am

A few questions in planning for a trip into the Nth Budawangs :

Folly Point : How many tents could one squeeze into the camping space at Folly Pt ? Are there any other, distributed, places relatively near by where a tent can be pitched (including on rock - ie free-standing tent and a good mat :? )
It's a big group - although I had set a limit of 8, I have 11 keen walkers (8 tents) - I'm always reluctant to prune.

Water : given the extended dry, does anyone have recent experience of water availability - Folly Pt and Corang, Canowie, Burrumbeet, Camping Rock / Strang, Vines streams? (not heading into Mts Cole/Owen area this time).


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Re: Budawangs

Postby Walk_fat boy_walk » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 11:55 am

bernieq wrote:A few questions in planning for a trip into the Nth Budawangs :

Folly Point : How many tents could one squeeze into the camping space at Folly Pt ? Are there any other, distributed, places relatively near by where a tent can be pitched (including on rock - ie free-standing tent and a good mat :? )


FP campsite has a handful of tent sites, maybe 5 or 6, some of which you might be able to double up on? I think 8 would be tight but could do it without everyone being overly comfortable, and if you have freestanding tents a couple could conceivably move to one of the rock platforms just to the north of the campsite (you walk past in the way in... can't remember how level they are??).

bernieq wrote:
Water : given the extended dry, does anyone have recent experience of water availability - Folly Pt and Corang, Canowie, Burrumbeet, Camping Rock / Strang, Vines streams? (not heading into Mts Cole/Owen area this time).


Haven't been to the northern end for a while but there was some reasonable rain a few days ago... at the very least there might be some water in the deep pools just downstream from the FP campsite. Similarly can't vouch for Strang Gully or Camping Rock Creek but they're usually reliable... the current drought might affect that but again the recent rain might have helped. Corang River will have plenty (even upstream at the Bibbenluke camp should be OK), and Canowie Brook will be OK. Don't count on Burrumbeet, but Canowie is only a short walk from there if dry. If you *really* get stuck in that area just walk downstream on Canowie for a bit (it becomes much bigger about 15 mins downstream from the bridge, and then Corang cascades are another 15 mins or so downstream again, which have plenty of water even at the worst of times).

Even in wetter times, the Budawangs are one of those places that you tend to load up with water when you get a chance and carry a couple of extra litres as a matter of course.
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Re: Budawangs

Postby Zapruda » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 12:11 pm

There is plenty of water up there at the moment. I wouldn’t worry. I was up around Quiltys the weekend before last.

This is worth a read in regards to your group size - https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/reso ... ochure.pdf
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Re: Budawangs

Postby Huntsman247 » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 6:13 pm

The burrumbeet crk/canowie area has plenty water as of 3 weeks ago.
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Re: Budawangs

Postby bernieq » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 6:48 pm

Thanks for the quick responses.

WFBW, thanks for confirming what I'd expected/hoped - squeezy but do-able including the rock platforms (and no-one else in residence, of course!).

Z, yes, I'm across that document. That's why I set the max to 8 (and also why I'd accept 11).

Has there been recent rain? BoM obs. for Nerriga are 3.4mm for Aug so far and same for July. Still, thank you all for the 'on the ground' observations - relaxes my building concerns.

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Re: Budawangs

Postby crollsurf » Thu 09 Aug, 2018 11:52 pm

Folly Point is comfortable 3 tent site. There are possiblities but they would be be muddy at best with a bit of rain.

Id say 6 single tents at a pinch and more when dry.

Water shouldn't be a problem there.

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