Spent Sunday exploring Kanuka Brook in the lower blue mountains and was dismayed to find blue paint marking the route from Duck pond up to redhand firetrail. The route is covered in blue.. Its every 5-10 metres. On every handy rock and tree.
This one of the few remaining wild flowing creeks in the lower blue mountains, was such a shame to see.
Its not a track, there is a comes and goes barely there foot pad (if that) and the removal of the opportunity to find my own way greatly reduced my enjoyment and the perception of wilderness.
There is no need for route markers.. All you need to do is follow the creek. The one place they could be helpful is at the turnoff up to redhand firetrail. And a sensible person has nailed a couple of blue markers to a tree. Of course the blue paint person even added more paint to this area as well.
If you know the person that is doing this.. please have a word to them.
EDIT. Just noticed someone else has posted about this about 10 months ago. http://bushwalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php ... 08#p364851
On another subject.
I did notice that Kanuka brook and several other creeks in the Glenbrook area had alot of foam in them at points where the water became stagnated/damed (often about 20 metres down from a mini waterfall/rapid.) While I think the airation contributed, I dont often see this much foamy water in blue mountain creeks.
Was suprised to find it in Kanuka brook especially as there is nothing in the catchment. Its a reasonably wild creek. Does anyone know what causes this? I did drink from it at several points. One down stream with a tablet, another up near the source (without a tablet) both times the water in my bottle was crystal clear and tasted fine. Ive read that it can be a naturaly occuring but also could be chemical