Hiking from Batemans Bay to Kioloa - advice needed

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Hiking from Batemans Bay to Kioloa - advice needed

Postby OwenMacknight » Wed 02 Oct, 2019 3:47 pm

G'day guys,

I'm new to the area and a few of my friends are off to the Kioloa area in a months time and I have been invited to go along. However, I actually have the whole week free so I wanted to head down to Bateman's Bay on the Tuesday or Wednesday and hike up to Kioloa over a period of 2-3 days.

Now, my predicament is as follows as I don't actually drive. getting to Bateman's Bay is easy, just catch the coach from Kingston which is a three minute walk from my house. Easy. Arrive at Bateman's Bay by about 1000, however there seems to be no hiking tracks between Bateman's Bay and Durras (I need to avoid this* area as there is no hiking trails that I can see). From Durras to Kioloa is simple, it's a combination of Beach walks and already laid hiking tracks and should take just over a day. I'm a relatively experienced hiker and have all the necessary equipment, but what I need is some advice from someone who knows the area about how one might get from Bateman's Bay to Durras?

Any takers?


* https://www.google.com.au/maps/@-35.682 ... a=!3m1!1e3
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Re: Hiking from Batemans Bay to Kioloa - advice needed

Postby wildwanderer » Wed 02 Oct, 2019 8:17 pm

I haven't been there but a quick glance at open street maps indicates a combination of firetrails and beach/coast walking could possibly be doable. More likely if the terrain/foliage allows a bit of offtrack walking to connect the sections

Be a bit of road walking between Batemans bay and long beach unless it's possible to cross cullendulla creek
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