by FatCanyoner » Wed 06 May, 2020 10:26 am
Currently no overnight / multiday activities allowed in any NSW national parks. I think we're all looking forward to that being relaxed, but no idea when. Even if they are, it will only take an uptick in infection rates for that restriction to be put back in place. Trying to predict what that will look like in several months time is impossible (if you could find someone who was capable of predicting the last few months at the start of the year I'd be asking them for next weeks lotto numbers!).
Many of the fire closures are likely to remain in place for some time, particularly in parks that were burnt particularly hard. I think the current health situation will actually encourage National Parks to keep them for longer than they otherwise would. In some cases, fires (and then heavy rain) damaged roads and infrastructure, which will also add to delays. Even before the current pandemic rangers were advising not to expect many of these areas to be open before the middle of the year.
If I were you, I'd call the local rangers in areas you're most keen on and try to suss them out. They may have a clear timeframe, although I suspect this is all being played by ear and will be changing on a day by day basis. I'd also have lots of fallback trip plans, including an option to defer things for a couple months.
On a side note (because holding my tongue isn't a strong suit) can you also avoid the racist "China Virus" crap. Do you call Ebola "West Africa Virus", or HIV "Central Africa Virus"? We have enough to deal with without people stoking division with this garbage.