Im not complaining!

I wonder if the long dry winter as reduced the leech population?
anyone been encountering significant leeches over the last few months?
Ms_Mudd wrote:the itch is terrible isn't it?!
I had tried bite creams with a local anaesthetic, antihistamines etc with my recent bites to no avail. A work colleague (who was probably tiring of my whingeing and scratching) suggested sodium bicarbonate as a remedy, I drew it up in a syringe and then squirted it all over my bites and it really did stop them driving me insane. Although I 'borrowed' the sodi bic from our epidural trolley at work, essentially I think it is just baking soda and sterile water so could be replicated at home easily enough.
Avatar wrote:I hope it gets better.
This may shed some light on the itching subject
This article mentions "In Australia, the terrestrial leech, Haemadipsidae, was the only blood-sucking invertebrate found to be a trypanosomal carrier"
While I have not heard of any established cases of infection, there is evidence leeches may be pathogen vectors, e.g. Hep B, HIV, Toxpoplasma, Plasmodium, Trypanosome
This strongly supports the ethical case for destroying any blood engorged leeches you find.
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