johnw wrote:Hi Phil,
Thanks, but for some reason when I open your link I get a different result as shown below. I can't find anything that matches or points me to what you have.
Also is that the only topographic layer? The current alternate one based on the old paper maps has a lot more detail relevant to bushwalkers.
Any thoughts?
I see your concern johnw.
I can understand their desire to move away from the Six Maps website. It's a complete custom build and isn't provided by ESRI which hosts all their other maps and mapping technology. They probably have risks around the technology and might not be able to upgrade for security issues, etc.
It would be nice if the replacement was like-for-like in functionality in that SIX Maps is pretty basic but easy and quick to use. The new "Explorer" website has more bells and whistles, particularly the ability to add various other layers. However, I think there are better alternatives out there.
My main concern is that it doesn't seem to have either of the "old" topographic basemaps which SIX Maps provided. They are (what I call) "Six maps topo" and the "Raster topo" layers (called "NSW Map", which is the default option, and "Topo Maps" as an alterative layer you can choose). Maybe they just 'forgot' to add them in. But it could be that they are also intending to stop serving these layers, given they have now introduced the "new" basemaps, which run on quite a different technology.
As some people have raised, the new style of maps are interior to the older style layers in some ways. I might make some enquires with Spatial Services to understand what their plans are.