snowygreybeard wrote:There are many good ways to get to Mawsons Hut. From Whites River a good way is to go Schlink Pass->Gungarten->The Kerries Ridge. If going from Valentines Hut do NOT go up the Valentines River, go a few hundred m South from the hut, then East up watercourse to saddle at 249902, then NE, SE to Mawsons keeping out of the trees.
From Mawsons to Tin I suggest going East from Mawsons to the Divide, then along the Brassy Mts. Or just go up Valentines Creek. Or go along the Kerries to Gungarten Pass then across to Tin. All these routes, although off track, are fairly easy, no Strumbo country here.
my map is so old it has Eastwood Camping stamped on it and the phone number is only 7 numbers
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