Where is a good overnight walk with children near Newcastle?

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Where is a good overnight walk with children near Newcastle?

Postby plaz » Fri 02 Jul, 2010 2:19 pm

Greetings all. I am seeking to tap the collective wisdom about a nice 2 day walk that I can take my 11 and 6 year old children on. Probably no more than 6-10 flattish but interesting kilometers in, a nice campsite that allows a proper fire , and preferably not too high as it might be cold. No more than 1-2 hours drive from newcastle. So far my only thoughts have been from Bombah point to Jimmys beach - flat, good distance, nice campsite but from memory fairly boring walking, or perhaps a stage of the great north walk? It will be the first overnight walk for the children, so needs to be fun. Thanks in anticipation.
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Re: Where is a good overnight walk with children near Newcas

Postby davidmorr » Thu 08 Jul, 2010 12:33 am

There are quite a few options, but some might depend on the time of year.

Barrington Tops has some good spots, but only in late spring, summer and early autumn - too cold otherwise.

There's a good spot on Mangrove Creek in Dharug NP. I took a young family there on their first backpack about 20 years ago. Unfortunately I am told it is affected by dieback and therefore better to keep out of.

Some other spots on private land near Wiseman's Ferry, and in Yengo NP out the back of Wollombi. It's not easy to describe where they are.

There might be some spots in the Watagans too, but I'd have to think about it a bit.

My club (Newcastle Ramblers) has a number of backpacks suitable for beginners coming up over the next few months. Look us up on the web, or PM me and I'll get you a program.


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Re: Where is a good overnight walk with children near Newcas

Postby iandsmith » Mon 26 Jul, 2010 12:03 pm

I'm a huge fan of the northern side of the Hunter Valley, especially Dungog and Gloucester. Unfortunately I don't know much about camping spots except that Gloucester has some excellent ones. The NPWS one at the base of Gloucester tops would be a good place to overnight camp.
I'm off to the Allyn River tomorrow and I'll have a look there and see if I can sus anything out.
Barrington Guest House site always had some good walks. I'm not sure what the current state of the place is because I seem to recall it got burnt down but there was other accommodation still there.
Including some pics of the scenery at Gloucester.
Gloucester 115 sp.jpg
Gloucester Falls July (37) sp.jpg
Gloucester Falls (23) sp.jpg
Gloucester 131 sp.jpg
Gloucester 160.jpg
Camp site at the base of Gloucester Tops
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Re: Where is a good overnight walk with children near Newcas

Postby iandsmith » Mon 02 Aug, 2010 2:10 pm

Did the Allyn River this week and that would be a good place. There's a few places to camp and quite a few walks. I did the Blue Gum Trail and it's around 1 1/2 hours but you can extend it either way. I would recommend Rocky Crossing. That place is a delight and would be a good place to take a picnic lunch and just soak up the wilderness.
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