Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

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Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby mountnman » Wed 09 Mar, 2011 12:26 pm

I was wondering if there are any day walks involving Tarros Ladder in the Blue Mountains as a circuit (as opposed to out and back)? I was thinking about going down the Golden Stairs and up Tarros Ladder, but after looking at a map, the only way this could possibly be done is via Cedar Creek, which would be more than a day walk.

Possibly a secondary question.... If we were to do Tarros Ladder out and back from Narrowneck, could it be done in a day or would we be camping at Medlow Gap?
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby johnw » Wed 09 Mar, 2011 12:38 pm

mountnman wrote:I was wondering if there are any day walks involving Tarros Ladder in the Blue Mountains as a circuit (as opposed to out and back)? I was thinking about going down the Golden Stairs and up Tarros Ladder, but after looking at a map, the only way this could possibly be done is via Cedar Creek, which would be more than a day walk.

I haven't done it but fairly sure I've seen notes somewhere for a circuit. I'll have a look at home and see if I can find them. Other place to look is I think he has documented some walks around there.

mountnman wrote:Possibly a secondary question.... If we were to do Tarros Ladder out and back from Narrowneck, could it be done in a day or would we be camping at Medlow Gap?

I have walked it out and back along Narrowneck in a day. Not specifically to Tarros but to a rockshelf lookout just above it. About 19km or 20km return from memory (starting from the locked gate at the last carpark). Not difficult but don't do it on a hot day like we did. Going down Tarros then on to Medlow Gap would add extra distance.
John W

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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby tom_brennan » Wed 09 Mar, 2011 2:38 pm

Tarros is more easily approached from the Dunphy Camping Area in the Megalong Valley, than it is from Katoomba. There are quite a few options for loop walks from the Dunphy Camping Area, including:
Tarros Ladder/Duncans Pass
Tarros Ladder/Carlon Head
Tarros Ladder/Dunphys Pass
Tarros Ladder/Harmil Ledge

The routes are all described in the notes below - you can put the various bits together yourself:
Tarros Ladder and Carlon Head - Bushwalking NSW

Dunphys Pass and Harmil Ledge - Bushwalking NSW

Duincans Pass is the easiest return route as there is little exposure. The track may be a little hard to find. The spikes on Carlon Head (Mansons Ladders) are not in good condition, and in fact several have broken off in recent years, so the going is very exposed and potentially dangerous. You could alternatively use Dunphys Pass or Harmil Ledge as the other half of your route - Dunphys is probably easier going up, while Harmil Ledge is probably easier going down.
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby mountnman » Wed 09 Mar, 2011 8:03 pm

Thanks for the replies. I like the idea of Dunphys Pass but having not walked this part of the Blue Mountains, and there being no track on the map (Is the one on the ground? :? ), I might have a little difficulty talking my wife into it. Is it fairly straightforward? And even better, do you have a sketch map for Dunphys Pass? :D I found the one for Carlon Head, but not for Dunphys Pass.
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby johnw » Thu 10 Mar, 2011 9:27 am

mountnman you have a sketch map for Dunphys Pass? :D I found the one for Carlon Head, but not for Dunphys Pass.

I had a look at my copy of Myles Dunphy's Gangerang Map and it's shown on that. If you can get hold of a copy it might help. I got mine from Paddy Pallin but should be available from other outdoor shops or online.
John W

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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby mountnman » Thu 10 Mar, 2011 9:32 am

Thanks for that John. I'm in PP at Katoomba at least once a month so I'll have a look next time I go up there.
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby melinda » Sat 12 Mar, 2011 3:21 pm

Cedar Creek is sort of interesting terrain. :shock:
Don't know if it would be possible to do Golden Stairs - Cedar Creek - Tarros - Narrow Neck in a day. (How fit, how fast are you???)
If your route involves Bunba Yaka Creek then you really need to give yourself more time.
I wouldn't take any one out there unless they were pretty keen and capable bushwalkers. (Does your wife do much walking???)
You could do Narrow Neck - Tarros Ladders out and back in a day, firetrail all the way.
If you are really interested in options for Narrow Neck and Tarros Ladder have a look at 'The Passes of Narrow Neck' by Michael Keats and Brian Fox.
The info on Tom Brennan's website is also excellent.
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby mountnman » Sat 12 Mar, 2011 5:47 pm

I could possibly do Golden Stair - Cedar Creek - Tarros in an overnight. My wife would definitely struggle. She really toughed it out on the second day of the Six Foot Track, but she is a lot fitter now. I'm starting to think be best route for her would be Narrow Neck to Tarros and return the same way. She actually wants to make it an over nighter and camp at Medlow Gap.

Actually, where is the first nights campsite on the Katoomba to Mittagong walk? Maybe that is an option.
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby melinda » Sat 12 Mar, 2011 7:10 pm

I'm thinking that if your wife found the Six Foot Track a challenge then she is not going to appreciate Cedar Creek just yet.
Take her on beautiful easy walks were she can slowly build up fitness and an understanding of what 'offtrack' can mean. Cedar Creek isn't for 'newbies', Bunba Yaka Creek even less so. (Bunba Yaka Creek is the exit off Cedar Creek that takes you back towards the south end of Narrowneck. It is full of lawyer vine, which forces you up to the bottom of the cliff line. Cliff line then forces you back down into the lawyer vine;a constant battle, sort of 'hardcore'.)
An overnighter to Medlow Gap from Narrow Neck is nice and easy, fire trail or strong track all the way, some lovely views along the way. From Medlow Gap you are well place for placed for exploring Mt Mouin and the Wild Dogs Mountains. (Worth having a good look at!)
Never done Katoomba to Mittagong, so can't help you out there. Do know there is a lot of firetrail involved!
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby ninjapuppet » Sun 13 Mar, 2011 12:36 am

That super-zippy Kanangra would probally find this easy going and chew it up for breakfast.. lol...

I went down this area last week from the golden stairs to try and retrace some of Jamie's steps to Bunba yakka creek and up to narrow neck. Didnt find it too difficult over one and a half days, but walking facefirst into all these spiderwebs started getting abit annoying. A good trick is to get your walking partner to break trail and go first :D
Jamie's details on the link from this post

You probally can still do it with your wife if she's really really keen, but just take 2 days. It would be quite tough as a day walk
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby tom_brennan » Sun 13 Mar, 2011 7:20 pm

None of the routes on to/off Narrow Neck in that vicinity are "easy", with the possible exception of Duncans via the walkaround.

Tarros is fairly straightforward, with the obvious caveat of an 8m climb on spikes. It's all on track. Dunphys is the next easiest, but some walkers will need a rope, and there is a bit of scrub at either end. Same story with Harmils - scrub at both ends, and more walkers will need the rope. And Carlons is not for the faint hearted. Given how many rungs have gone, it probably needs a few new ones. I think the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs put the last lot in sometime in the '70s.

If you want to do an overnight walk there are plenty of good ones on track in the Wild Dogs. I don't know your wife, but I'd be steering clear of the east side of Narrow Neck until you're sure she enjoys a good scrub bash...
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby JohnDaly TakeAWalk » Sat 16 Apr, 2011 8:13 am

There is a great 20 km walk starting at Dunphys Camping Area, going up Carlon Head, along Narrow Neck, down Taros Ladder, up Mt Debert to Medlow Gap and back to the campground. Check out the notes on page 144 of Take A Walk in the Blue Mountains.
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Re: Day walk involving Tarros Ladder?

Postby juxtaposer » Tue 24 May, 2011 7:52 pm

It's Taro's Ladders, by the way. (And Manson's Chains).
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