Grabeach wrote: Not having a great deal of knowledge on the subject, I tend to keep out of the global warming debate.
Yep. Unlike 23 million other Australians, I'm not a climate expert, so I tend to go with what the scientists are saying (noting that they're not all in agreement).
One thing that gets me is our PM saying on one hand that climate change is real BUT hasn't contributed to the bushfires. Surely it can't be both ways? Yes, there have always been bushfires and it's impossible to say definitively they've climate change is
directly at fault in any of the current/recent fires, but I would've thought an acceptance of warming is acceptance of an increased
propensity for fires, given a commensurate increase in the dryness of the fuel load and likelihood of weather conditions that are conducing to fires starting and spreading. Climate change might not the the sole cause of any given fire, but if we accept that it exists then surely we also have to accept that there is at least some degree of (albeit unquantifiable) causality?
But like I said I'm certainly no expert