Mark F wrote:I have seen a ranger checking cars at Munyang for Park entry passes. He left a couple of unpleasant surprises for those without.
rcaffin wrote:...Note also that the Ski Tube runs all the year: you can park at the bottom OUTside the Park (no fee)...
Mark F wrote:My comments are predicated on relatively good visibility. In bad conditions the fire trails/roads are often the safer choice.
rcaffin wrote:Coming S from Jag to Kerries is open country. Go over Bluff Tarn to Mawsons, or
cut across to the Great Divide past Cesjacks and take the old 4WD track there to the Bulls & Mawsons.
skibug wrote:Just thought I'd comment on this statement about altitude, as I see and hear it so often I get a bit frustrated.
Barometric pressure, and the partial pressure of oxygen, O2, decrease logarithmically with altitude, so, yes, above 3000m there can be significant effects on human physiology, but at 2,200m (top of Kosi), the pressure drop from sea level is about 20% (from around 100 to around 80 kPa), and, because of blood physiology, the decrease of blood oxygen saturation is perhaps 3 to 5 percent in most healthy individuals. This is a relatively small amount, and most people will be unaware of any change in their exercise or other physiological response. So my general observation is that we do not suffer from any altitude effects in Australia (unless flying).
fogal wrote:Did Drewhp and his Girlfriend return? Did they Make the trip as planned? Did the weather turn? Did the constant heat and exposure get them?
I want to know the ending.
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