I have given this a lot of thought over night.
I'm still not keen but will raise the following points.
From what I have seen the hunters I have crossed paths with in SF's have been driving around in a car looking for animals.
As I have said before I'm a hunter and from what I have observed in local SF's (Bushwalking, not hunting) you would be very fortunate to drive across a feral in a car. It does happen but not often (Works on private land as it's traditionally more open).
I know there are the keen hunters that will walk into a remote corner to hunt, those guys are normally more experienced and know what they are doing.
Hunting in a NP will raise further obstacles for most regular hunters that get used to easy driving then a short stroll along a forest road with a gun.
Take Kosci and the surrounding wilderness. There are not so many roads that are publically accessable. Hunting will need to be on foot, often many KM's from there nearest open road.
After initial hunting pressue animals may well push further into the park and that will require increased efforts from the hunter.
Hunters that are keen enough to do a multi day pack hunt will be the more experienced and dedicated of our bunch.
Anyone going to that much effort is fine in my eyes so long as they follow the rules. I cannot see this type of hunter blasting left right and center. Generally they are targeting a specific animal.
Goodluck hunting Barrington Tops.... most of the southern half is so thick it's not even accessable on foot.
michael_p wrote:On a side note the Deer are well and truly out of the RNP
Yep I have noticed this. My guess is that the Sydney hunter will think the RNP is a goldfield to start with..... until they realise it's very thick, steep and the deer can be very elusive.
I'm still worried that it's close vicinity to Sydney will mean an influx of would be hunters scrabbling all over it of a weekend.
abceight wrote:Consider the Red Deer in the photo below, taken at Rams Head in Kosciusco National Park
I think they are Fallow deer not red's. There are Fallow, Reds and Sambar deer down there though.
Feral pig damage I have seen can be quite substancial down there and I think a good cull will benift things.
My guess would be that only remote area's of Kosci will be available to hunters. I couldn't see the frequented area's on the main range being an option.
This should limit pressue to only the keen and dedicated type.
I'm still not convinced this is right though.