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Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 20 Sep, 2012 6:17 am
by ofuros
Just on the off chance that somebody has some info or pics of this area, I'll ask this question.
Has anyone on the forum dropped down to the Guy Fawkes river valley from Chaelundi camp ground ?

I was thinking of following the national trail/ river banks up to Jordans camp, probably exploring/ trout fishing further upstream,
(there's supposed to be cave & abandoned mine) then retrace my steps back, to make the long climb out via Jordans fire trail.

Any info or pics appreciated.


Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 20 Sep, 2012 7:52 am
by WarrenH
Bicentennial National Trail Guidebook No. 7
Killarney to Ebor.
The BNT co-ordinators for that area are Paul Jones and Cherrie Davis, they might know where the mine is. Their phone number is found on the BNT site.

I don't know of the mine unless Combalo Hut is near it. Combalo Hut is a ruin near the old cricket ground (the grassy flat) is on the west side of the river, 3.2 kilometres north of Jordans Yards. There is also a hut on the eastern bank just North of the confluence with Guy Fawkes and Housewater Creek. I looked at different maps, the topos Chelundi, Guy Fawkes River and Marengo, in the BNT guide book and the State Forests of the Glen Innes Region Map and I could find no sign of a mine.


Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 20 Sep, 2012 8:27 am
by ofuros
Thanks for useful info Warren.
I will have to dig a little deeper.

.....via tapatalk.

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Fri 21 Sep, 2012 12:21 pm
by ofuros
I knew I saw a mine mentioned shelter at Chaelundi camp ground. :wink:


Used to be called the Shamrock or Little River copper mine, if the info I found is to be trusted. :roll:
No idea whats left of it, if anything.
I'll check it out when I find the time between work & family to do this trip....another trip added to the forever growing list !

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Fri 21 Sep, 2012 1:04 pm
by juju
Marc, you prompted me to write about out trip to the GFR last April. I don't know that it will help much though. We went down Combalo Track. Julie

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Fri 21 Sep, 2012 4:02 pm
by ofuros
Thanks Julie ....aka juju.
Just read your write gives me a rough indicator of how dense the bush is down the spurs,
plus river size & width. Which is what I wanted. :)
Even though I had a fair idea after looking out over the
vast valley from the lookouts, imagining a route in my mind.
Always amazes me how one side of the dividing range is clad in dark, dense, wet rainforest...while the
other is so open, sparse & dry.


Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 27 Sep, 2012 10:11 am
by juju
Watch out for the blackberries! :) Have a great walk!

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Tue 16 Oct, 2012 1:28 pm
by Sasha
I did this walk a couple of weeks ago.
We went down from near Lucifers Thumb, a rough but easy enough to follow track. it took 2 hours to go down, then another two plus up to Combalo. There is no hut extant there that we could find.
We planned to go up Jordan's track, but found it v hard to find. the ranger had told me there would be old mattress frames etc in the area...none to be seen. We found a vast flat area where no doubt the fire trail goes in,but by then we had decided to go back to where we hit the river and walk out the way we came in.

I reckon the best way to do this walk would be to double camp at Combalo, a great spot, and spend one full day exploring the river without the hassles of a back pack, then walk back out the way you came in.

There were no problematic blackberries, innumerable river crossings, snakes, brumbies, cattle and many birds. It's a beautiful gorge.

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Tue 16 Oct, 2012 1:57 pm
by ofuros
Sounds great.....thanks for the recent info, sasha. 8-)

.....via tapatalk.

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 03 Jan, 2013 9:01 pm
by awildland
We've walked Guy Fawkes River National Park a number of times and done several different loop and through walks.

We did the loop you suggest but in reverse, walking from the camp ground along the national parks escarpment trails to Jordan's Trail and down to the river and then downstream and back up to Lucifer's thumb and the Chaelundi campground - beautiful trip!! Yes there are weeds (farmer's friends, stinging nettle) but in winter the weeds are less of a problem but the water is colder (and I know nothing about the fishing in the river). I know from a fisher friend that they fish below Ebor Falls which is way way up at the start of Guy Fawkes River.

I can confirm there is no hut at Combalo anymore. I've also heard talk of an old mine but further north along the river (ie downstream from Lucifer's Thumb) and then upstream up the Sara River Valley (topo map Guy Fawkes river 1:25,000). I've not heard of a cave. I can check with someone here who I know may have more details if you are still interested but I have never visited it myself.


The big hole.jpg
one of the bigger pools along the Guy Fawkes
The big hole.jpg (445.53 KiB) Viewed 33796 times

combalo flat Guy Fawkes.jpg
the big flat along the river past where combalo hut once stood
combalo flat Guy Fawkes.jpg (393.15 KiB) Viewed 33796 times

guy fawkes 1.jpg
the farmers friends
guy fawkes 1.jpg (520.15 KiB) Viewed 33796 times

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Fri 04 Jan, 2013 7:43 pm
by ofuros
Thanks chrissy,
Working away in the N.T. at the moment, but its definitely going to happen.....thanks for the extra info & pics.

.....via tapatalk.

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 31 Jan, 2013 10:14 am
by juju
Hi awildland. Did a double take when I saw your photo of farmers friends on socks! It could have been one of ours! but I think you win on the amount of farmers friend collected on the walk :)

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Sat 09 Feb, 2013 8:21 am
by awildland
Hi juju, as you know the weeds can be intense down there. i spent a quiet, meditative two hours in the afternoon individually pulling each little one out of socks, shoelaces, shorts and shirts - could run meditation retreats in the guy fawkes river valley - pulling burrs as a path to inner healing and peace followed by a quick barefoot session through the stinging nettle to make one feel really alive.

Not that I really mind. It's all part of the adventure and it is such a beautiful spot, as you know. The view from Lucifers Thumb is one of my favourites of any where.

Chrissy (awildland).

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Sat 08 Jun, 2013 1:44 pm
by ofuros
Not so much a trip report....
Mainly a reconnaissance trip to check out access/egress.....
Yet to complete the circuit.

Nice weather for a stroll down to the Guy Fawkes valley...heading along the escarpment to the start of the Jordans Trail.....and a relentless
long steep descent.


Rough map of the area showing the overnight circuit.


Lots of these little hairy critters littering the trail down....chewing on the eucalypt leaves.


Just before hitting the Housewater Creek flats, on the right there's a snaking horse trail & 4wd track heading down another ridge,through the dry grass to the guy fawkes river...just a assumption, will check out the side track for sure next time. Will save a bit of walk along the Housewater flats to the Guy Fawkes river.

Down at the flats I dropped my bag under the shade of a tree & headed upstream, fishing & exploring Housewater creek.
Came across this remnant from the past, original house on housewater creek ?


Evening meal, spicy noodles & a some hot popcorn to crunch on, while watching the star filled sky above.


Lots of ticks in the long dry grass so I set up camp on the rivers edge, on the dry boulder strewn high floodwater mark.
No rain clouds on the horizon, no ticks either :D ......the creek dropped 2inches throughout the night.


Woke to a valley enveloped in mist....


Zigg zagged my way out that morning, wishing I could have stayed longer.
Might bring some kind of lightweight inflatable next I can drift idly downstream to the exit point. :wink:

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Wed 12 Jun, 2013 3:40 pm
by awildland
Glad to see you finally got out there! It's such a great spot. We've also thought about taking a little blow up boat or a lilo and floating down the river - looks like it would be fun, although shallow in spots. I was interested to see your pic of the little grubs on the eucalyptus leaf - we also went for a walk on the weekend, in nearby Oxley Wild Rivers National Park and the little grubs were everywhere!!!!

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 13 Jun, 2013 4:31 pm
by ofuros
Thanks awildland....its always a balancing act between working fly in/ fly out, family time & your own needs. ;-)

.....via tapatalk.

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Mon 16 Sep, 2013 12:47 am
by Siochana
hey everyone :)
anyone aware of 4WD access down a way's in towards Jordans Camping Ground or anywhere nearby there?

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Mon 16 Sep, 2013 6:18 pm
by awildland
hi siochana,

Only access down Jordans trail or to anywhere near the Guy Fawkes River at that point is by "shanks pony" (i.e one's legs). Vehicle access is only to chaelundi camp area (2WD or 4WD).

Sort of nearby, there's a nice creek side camp ground called Doone Goonge about (roughly) 35km further north past Chaelundi camp ground and in the neighbouring Chaelundi National Park (4WD access and key needed from national parks). It's not on the Guy Fawkes River and there are no walking tracks, just old forest and farm roads, but quite pretty. Don't know if that helps.

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Sun 13 Oct, 2013 11:24 pm
by ofuros
Just in case someone is thinking of staying at Chaelundi camp ground in the near future......give them a call first before you make a long fruitless journey. :wink:

PA130010 (Medium).JPG

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Thu 07 Nov, 2013 4:04 pm
by ofuros
Looks like my overnight, carefree downstream float trip will have to wait a little longer.... :( ... x?id=N0013

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Mon 29 Dec, 2014 10:44 am
by Trevor
Just completed the Rafting Trip from Jordans Track to Dalmorton Dec 2014 - Very Nice Water and nice and Green - lots of good rapids and nice long pools.Brumby,s and Cattle to be seen along the trip. The Trip took 3 days and was a bit wet towards the end

Re: Chaelundi camp ground to Jordans camp walk info....

PostPosted: Mon 02 Feb, 2015 6:56 pm
by ofuros
Only just spotted this post...well done Trevor...lots more water than when I was last down there. :shock: