This was in the latest Coast and Mountain newsletter. A bit detailed but the instructions at the end should help you get the one you want......
Budawang Sketch Map
The latest edition (Edition 9, published 1998) has been available from late August as print-on-request online at the
National Library of Australia (NLA) website Details of all purchase options available for various
editions of the Budawang Map are (in the approximate words of the NLA): is a record for a CD we made containing the scans of the 1st.
Edition, and both sides of the double-sided 9th. Edition. is a record for the print-out we made of the 1st. Edition (in
essence a fill-sized colour copy of the original map we were lent). is a record for the print-out we made of the 9th. Edition (in
essence a fill-sized colour copy of the original map we were lent). Because our plan-printer cannot print doublesided,
we have had to print each side of the 9th. Edition separately.
Thus we have a digital copy and a facsimile paper copy of each of the 1st. and 9th. Editions.
The online entry for 6093653 (the CD) is headed as ‘Northern Budawang Ranges [electronic resource]’, whilst
6093567 and 6093471 are headed as ‘The northern Budawang Range and the upper Clyde River Valley [cartographic
material] / compiled and drawn by G.L. Elliott’.
The maps were lent to the NLA by cartographer and copyright holder George Elliott (who was a member of the
erstwhile Budawang Committee, and as well is a long-time Honorary Life Member of the CMW) for permission to
copy and offer for sale.
For each item, you can ‘Order a copy’ (refer to the button at the bottom of each entry) and then ‘Add to cart’ using
Copies Direct and then proceed accordingly. You seem to have to use the ‘Add to cart’ button again later in the
ordering process. Remember (for particularly 6093471, the printout of the 9th. Edition) to include clear instructions
according to the notes following. The 9th. Edition map (each side) costs $16.50 plus postage, which means that if you
wish to purchase the notes printed on the reverse side of the original map as well, you will need to pay an extra $16.50,
and specify your requirements as a note in the ordering procedure so that you can be invoiced appropriately.
The historic 1st. Edition (1960) is also available to be printed at the same cost (refer to 6093567 above). This
edition does not, of course, have any notes printed on the reverse side.
The 1st. Edition, 9th. Edition and notes from the 9th. Edition are also available together as three (3) separate digital
images (JPEG or TIFF) on a CD (refer to 6093653 above). Note that even though the NLA’s pricing schedule states
that images can be purchased at ‘$45 per image’, the Editor’s contact at the NLA librarian Dr Brendan Whyte stated
that “I think we can do all 3 for $45 given they’re on a CD and we can just copy them together quite easily. When
ordering, put in a note to the affect that ‘Brendan Whyte said $45’, in case the system decides to outguess us . . .”.
Please remember that copyright applies to these maps.