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Ten Peaks Walk in February

PostPosted: Sun 13 Jan, 2013 9:20 pm
by braddon79
G'Day fellow Members.
Hope you have all had a good festive season.
I am planned to complete the Ten Peaks walk *(* in early February (4 weeks tomorrow).
I understand that there have been many bushfire issues in the main range region. Has the route been affected at all? Do I need to make other plans for the trip?
Secondly, what options for water are on the track. I see that there are some creeks available, but do I need to factor in a further volume of water, espcially due to the heat taking all this valuable resource?

Thanks for your information.
Kind Regard

Re: Ten Peaks Walk in February

PostPosted: Tue 15 Jan, 2013 9:08 pm
by kjbeath
Wilkinsons Creek will be fine for water. Muellers Pass or anywhere along the Main Range will be dry. It just means dropping down towards the Snowy to get water.

Re: Ten Peaks Walk in February

PostPosted: Wed 16 Jan, 2013 4:02 pm
by LAMEA-Gals
I did this walk 2 weeks ago and there was no problem with water. You may not cross too many creeks on the top of the ridges but plenty around not too far away - eg. Snowy River, Merrits Creek, Wilkinsons Creek, Sentinal Creek, Pounds Creek. Worthwhile taking a bladder or waterbag to fill up with for camp each night.

March flies are about but not as chronic as previous years.

Re: Ten Peaks Walk in February

PostPosted: Wed 16 Jan, 2013 9:34 pm
by braddon79
Thanks Guys for your information and replies. It is much appreciated. I am in QLD and a long way from the news of NSW and the parks fires. God apparently Ellens visit and the Armstrong doping saga is more important than what is actually happening in your own country. Then I though well maybe as it is my first post then people were like god get out why would I reply to that....
Thank you Lamea Gals and kjbeath for your information it helps me a lot in the finalisation and planning for my exciting walk in early February. Enjoy the rest of the week

Oh and thanks for the info regarding the March flies.... Little buggers....

Re: Ten Peaks Walk in February

PostPosted: Sun 20 Jan, 2013 7:32 pm
by TerryMcC
G'day Brad, I was in that area just before Christmas. The bushfires were well clear of the K10 area. Also, water should not be a problem. There is plenty of tarns and little streams of water. Generally I only carry one litre of water, as there are plenty of places to fill up. Enjoy your really is a special area. :)

Re: Ten Peaks Walk in February

PostPosted: Tue 22 Jan, 2013 7:59 pm
by braddon79
Hey TerryMcC
Thanks for your post. I am really looking forward to the walk. I have not visited the area before but have read and heard many great things.
Looking forward to the challenge and learning experience.
Again thanks for the information.
Will post a report after.